summary.aareg {survival}R Documentation

Summarize an aareg fit


Creates the overall test statistics for an Aalen additive regression model


## S3 method for class 'aareg':
summary(object, maxtime, test=c("aalen", "nrisk"), scale=1,...)


object the result of a call to the aareg function
maxtime truncate the input to the model at time "maxtime"
test the relative time weights that will be used to compute the test
scale scales the coefficients. For some data sets, the coefficients of the Aalen model will be very small (10-4); this simply multiplies the printed values by a constant, say 1e6, to make the printout easier to read.
... for future methods


It is not uncommon for the very right-hand tail of the plot to have large outlying values, particularly for the standard error. The maxtime parameter can then be used to truncate the range so as to avoid these. This gives an updated value for the test statistics, without refitting the model.


a list is returned with the following components

table a matrix with rows for the intercept and each covariate, and columns giving a slope estimate, the test statistic, it's standard error, the z-score and a p-value
test the time weighting used for computing the test statistics
test.statistic the vector of test statistics
test.var the model based variance matrix for the test statistic
test.var2 optionally, a robust variance matrix for the test statistic
chisq the overall test (ignoring the intercept term) for significance of any variable
n a vector containing the number of observations, the number of unique death times used in the computation, and the total number of unique death times

See Also

aareg, plot.aareg


afit <- aareg(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + ph.ecog, data=lung,
## Not run: 
              slope   test se(test) robust se     z        p 
Intercept  5.05e-03    1.9     1.54      1.55  1.23 0.219000
      age  4.01e-05  108.0   109.00    106.00  1.02 0.307000
      sex -3.16e-03  -19.5     5.90      5.95 -3.28 0.001030
  ph.ecog  3.01e-03   33.2     9.18      9.17  3.62 0.000299

Chisq=22.84 on 3 df, p=4.4e-05; test weights=aalen
## End(Not run)

summary(afit, maxtime=600)
## Not run: 
              slope   test se(test) robust se      z        p 
Intercept  4.16e-03   2.13     1.48      1.47  1.450 0.146000
      age  2.82e-05  85.80   106.00    100.00  0.857 0.392000
      sex -2.54e-03 -20.60     5.61      5.63 -3.660 0.000256
  ph.ecog  2.47e-03  31.60     8.91      8.67  3.640 0.000271

Chisq=27.08 on 3 df, p=5.7e-06; test weights=aalen
## End(Not run)

[Package survival version 2.35-4 Index]