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Class template lognormal_distribution



// In header: <boost/random/lognormal_distribution.hpp>

template<typename RealType = double> 
class lognormal_distribution {
  // types
  typedef normal_distribution< RealType >::input_type input_type; 
  typedef RealType                                    result_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  lognormal_distribution(result_type = result_type(1), 
                         result_type = result_type(1));

  // public member functions
  RealType mean() const;
  RealType sigma() const;
  void reset();
  template<typename Engine> result_type operator()(Engine &);


Instantiations of class template lognormal_distribution model a random distribution . Such a distribution produces random numbers with for x > 0, where and .

lognormal_distribution public construct/copy/destruct

  1. lognormal_distribution(result_type mean_arg = result_type(1), 
                           result_type sigma_arg = result_type(1));

    Constructs a lognormal_distribution. mean and sigma are the mean and standard deviation of the lognormal distribution.

lognormal_distribution public member functions

  1. RealType mean() const;
  2. RealType sigma() const;
  3. void reset();
  4. template<typename Engine> result_type operator()(Engine & eng);
