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Class template uniform_smallint



// In header: <boost/random/uniform_smallint.hpp>

template<typename IntType = int> 
class uniform_smallint {
  // types
  typedef IntType input_type; 
  typedef IntType result_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  uniform_smallint(IntType = 0, IntType = 9);

  // public member functions
  result_type min() const;
  result_type max() const;
  void reset();
  template<typename Engine> result_type operator()(Engine &);


The distribution function uniform_smallint models a random distribution . On each invocation, it returns a random integer value uniformly distributed in the set of integer numbers {min, min+1, min+2, ..., max}. It assumes that the desired range (max-min+1) is small compared to the range of the underlying source of random numbers and thus makes no attempt to limit quantization errors.

Let rout=(max-min+1) the desired range of integer numbers, and let rbase be the range of the underlying source of random numbers. Then, for the uniform distribution, the theoretical probability for any number i in the range rout will be pout(i) = 1/rout. Likewise, assume a uniform distribution on rbase for the underlying source of random numbers, i.e. pbase(i) = 1/rbase. Let pout_s(i) denote the random distribution generated by uniform_smallint. Then the sum over all i in rout of (pout_s(i)/pout(i) - 1)2 shall not exceed rout/rbase2 (rbase mod rout)(rout - rbase mod rout).

The template parameter IntType shall denote an integer-like value type.

Note: The property above is the square sum of the relative differences in probabilities between the desired uniform distribution pout(i) and the generated distribution pout_s(i). The property can be fulfilled with the calculation (base_rng mod rout), as follows: Let r = rbase mod rout. The base distribution on rbase is folded onto the range rout. The numbers i < r have assigned (rbase div rout)+1 numbers of the base distribution, the rest has only (rbase div rout). Therefore, pout_s(i) = ((rbase div rout)+1) / rbase for i < r and pout_s(i) = (rbase div rout)/rbase otherwise. Substituting this in the above sum formula leads to the desired result.

Note: The upper bound for (rbase mod rout) (rout - rbase mod rout) is rout2/4. Regarding the upper bound for the square sum of the relative quantization error of rout3/(4*rbase2), it seems wise to either choose rbase so that rbase > 10*rout2 or ensure that rbase is divisible by rout.

uniform_smallint public construct/copy/destruct

  1. uniform_smallint(IntType min_arg = 0, IntType max_arg = 9);

    Constructs a uniform_smallint. min and max are the lower and upper bounds of the output range, respectively.

uniform_smallint public member functions

  1. result_type min() const;
  2. result_type max() const;
  3. void reset();
  4. template<typename Engine> result_type operator()(Engine & eng);
