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Struct template root_typeof_helper<unit< Dim, System >, static_rational< N, D >>

boost::units::root_typeof_helper<unit< Dim, System >, static_rational< N, D >> — take the static_rational root of a unit


// In header: <boost/units/unit.hpp>

template<typename Dim, typename System, long N, long D> 
struct root_typeof_helper<unit< Dim, System >, static_rational< N, D >> {
  // types
  typedef unit< typename static_root< Dim, static_rational< N, D > >::type, typename static_root< System, static_rational< N, D > >::type > type;

  // public static functions
  static type value(const unit< Dim, System > &);


root_typeof_helper public static functions

  1. static type value(const unit< Dim, System > &);
