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#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>

namespace boost{ namespace math{

template <class T>
T factorial(unsigned i);

template <class T, class Policy>
T factorial(unsigned i, const Policy&);

template <class T>
T unchecked_factorial(unsigned i);

template <class T>
struct max_factorial;

}} // namespaces
template <class T>
T factorial(unsigned i);

template <class T, class Policy>
T factorial(unsigned i, const Policy&);

Returns i!.

The final Policy argument is optional and can be used to control the behaviour of the function: how it handles errors, what level of precision to use etc. Refer to the policy documentation for more details.

For i <= max_factorial<T>::value this is implemented by table lookup, for larger values of i, this function is implemented in terms of tgamma.

If i is so large that the result can not be represented in type T, then calls overflow_error.

template <class T>
T unchecked_factorial(unsigned i);

Returns i!.

Internally this function performs table lookup of the result. Further it performs no range checking on the value of i: it is up to the caller to ensure that i <= max_factorial<T>::value. This function is intended to be used inside inner loops that require fast table lookup of factorials, but requires care to ensure that argument i never grows too large.

template <class T>
struct max_factorial
   static const unsigned value = X;

This traits class defines the largest value that can be passed to unchecked_factorial. The member value can be used where integral constant expressions are required: for example to define the size of further tables that depend on the factorials.


For arguments smaller than max_factorial<T>::value the result should be correctly rounded. For larger arguments the accuracy will be the same as for tgamma.


Basic sanity checks and spot values to verify the data tables: the main tests for the tgamma function handle those cases already.


The factorial function is table driven for small arguments, and is implemented in terms of tgamma for larger arguments.
