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Sign Manipulation Functions


#include <boost/math/special_functions/sign.hpp>

namespace boost{ namespace math{

template<class T> 
int signbit(T x);

template <class T>
inline int sign (const T& z);

template <class T>
inline T copysign (const T& x, const T& y);

}} // namespaces
template<class T> 
int signbit(T x);

Returns a non-zero value if the sign bit is set in variable x, otherwise 0.

template <class T>
inline int sign (const T& z);

Returns 1 if x > 0, -1 if x < 0, and 0 if x is zero.

template <class T>
inline T copysign (const T& x, const T& y);

Sets the sign of x to be the same as the sign of y.
