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template <class T>
struct has_virtual_destructor : public true_type-or-false_type {};

Inherits: If T is a (possibly cv-qualified) type with a virtual destructor then inherits from true_type, otherwise inherits from false_type.

Compiler Compatibility: This trait is provided for completeness, since it's part of the Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions. However, there is currently no way to portably implement this trait. The default version provided always inherits from false_type, and has to be explicitly specialized for types with virtual destructors unless the compiler used has compiler intrinsics that enable the trait to do the right thing: currently (May 2005) only Visual C++ 8 and GCC-4.3 have the necessary intrinsics.

C++ Standard Reference: 12.4.

Header: #include <boost/type_traits/has_virtual_destructor.hpp> or #include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
