Graph bootstrap percolation

Karen Gunderson

Department of Mathematics
University of Manitoba
336 University Centre


Random graphs, extremal combinatorics, percolation.

Combinatorics Seminar

Co-organizer of the University of Manitoba Combinatorics Seminar.
Held weekly during term-time: Thursdays at 11:30 am.
Previous seminar listings, can be found here.

Research students

Students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies (M.Sc., Ph.D.) under my supervision should contact me by email.

Undergraduate students interested in working with me on a summer research project are welcome to contact me. For students from the University of Manitoba, some of the following funding opportunities are available:

Undergraduate students from abroad who are interested in working with me may be able to apply for a Mitacs Globalink Research Internship. The application process begins in late summer or early fall. While all applications are submitted through Mitacs, I would be happy to discuss the details with any interested students.



Published and appearing


Workshops and Conferences organized

Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery Bootstrap with recovery