Updated lists can be found in CV Referred Journal papers: (+Nan's student or supervised HQP, *:Corresponding author)

(103) R. Hamzehei+, M. Bodaghi*, N. Wu*, 3D-printed highly stretchable curvy sandwich metamaterials with superior fracture resistance and energy absorption, International Journal Solids and Structures, Vol. 286-287, 112570, 2023. (IF: 3.6)
(102) Y. Xiao+, Z. Lu, N. Wu*, Development and analysis of magnet-engaged piezoelectric energy generator under friction-induced vibration, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Accepted, 2023. ( IF: 3.2)
(101) S. Cui, N. Wu, P. Maghoul*, Fatigue crack localization based on empirical mode decomposition and pre-selected entropy, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Accepted, 2023. (IF: 2.09)
(100) Y. Xiao+, W. Liu, Z. Lu, N. Wu*, Numerical investigation of non-linear shear-mode piezoelectric energy generation under permanent magnetic conditions, Nonlinear Dynamics, accepted, 2023. ( IF: 5.6)
(99) S. Wang+, C. Deng, O. Ojo, B. Akinrinlola, J. Kozub, N. Wu*, Additive manufacturability and parametric studies on an extended three-dimensional re-entrant auxetic structure with angled struts, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, accepted, 2023. (IF: 5.35)
(98) S. Zhao+, Y. Zhang, S. Fan, N. Yang*, N. Wu*, Design and optimization of graded lattice structures with load path-oriented reinforcement, Materials and Design, accepted, 2023. (IF: 9.41)
(97) Y. Xiao+, S. Karnaoukh, N. Wu*, Design and analysis of a d15 mode piezoelectric energy generator using friction-induced vibration, Smart Materials and Structures, accepted, 2023. ( IF: 4.13)
(96) R. Hamzehei+, M. Bodaghi*, J. Martinez, Q. Ji. U. Gwenn, M. Kadic, C. Wang, A. Zolfagharian, N. Wu*, Parrot Beak-Inspired Metamaterials with Friction and Interlocking Mechanisms 3D/4D Printed in Micro and Macro Scales for Supreme Energy Absorption/Dissipation, Advanced Engineering Materials, accepted, 2023. (IF: 4.12)
(95) P. Wang+, R. Cao, Y. Deng, Z. Sun, H. Luo, N. Wu*, Vibration and Resonance Reliability Analysis of Non-uniform Beam with Randomly Varying Boundary Conditions Based on Kriging Model, Structures, Accepted, 2023. (IF: 4.01)
(94) S. Wang+, C. Deng, O. Ojo, N. Yang*, B. Akinrinlola, J. Kozub, N. Wu*, Design and testing of a DNA-like torsional structure for energy absorption, Materials and Design, accepted, 2023. (IF: 9.41) doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111642
(93) A. Safian+, N. Wu*, X. Liang*, Development of an Embedded Piezoelectric Transducer for Bearing Fault Detection, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.188, 109987, 2023. ( IF: 8.93)
(92) V. Rabbani+, N. Wu*, P. Maghoul, Effects of Electrode Size and Configuration on Sound Transmission Loss in Piezo-laminated Thick Shell, Wave Motion, accepted, 2022.
(91) S. Cui, P. Maghoul, X. Liang, N. Wu*, Q. Wang*, Structural fatigue crack localisation based on spatially distributed entropy and wavelet transform, Engineering Structures, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 4.47)
(90) R. Hamzehei+, A, Serjouei, N. Wu, A. Zolfagharian, M. Bodaghi*, 4D Metamaterials with Zero Poisson s Ratio, Shape Recovery and Energy Absorption Features, Advanced Engineering Materials, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 3.86)
(89) X. Yu+, Q. Ji, S. Karnaoukh, C. Wang, N. Wu*, Design and analysis of a d33 mode piezoelectric energy generator for vehicle braking system, Smart Materials and Structures, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 3.54)
(88) S. Zhao+, N. Wu*, S. Karnaoukh, A new expression of internal stiffness for load path analysis in structures, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 3.22)
(87) P. Wang+, Y. Xiao+, N. Wu*, Z. Sun*, H. Luo, Friction induced vibration and energy generation study of two-degree-of-freedom piezoelectric coupled system, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 4.22)
(86) S. Zhao+, D. Song, N. Wu*, F. Wu, Design of lattice structures based on U* load path analysis, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Accepted, 2022. (IF: 5.44)
(85) P. Wang+, N. Wu*, Z. Sun*, H. Luo, Vibration and Reliability Analysis of Non-uniform Composite Beam Under Random Load, Applied Sciences, Accepted, 2022. (IF:2.67)
(84) S. Zhao+, L. Mao+, N. Wu*, S. Karnaoukh, Load path visualization using U* index and principal load path determination in thin-walled structures, Facta Universitatis Series Mechanical Engineering, accepted, 2022. (IF:3.32)
(83) N. Yang*, Y. Deng, S. Zhao+ Y. Song, J. Huang, N. Wu*, Mechanical metamaterials with discontinuous and tension/compression-dependent positive/negative Poisson's ratio, Advanced Engineering Materials, Accepted, 2021. (IF: 3.86)
(82) P. Wang+ N. Wu, H. Luo, Z. Sun*, Influence of Friction Parameters on Vibration Characteristics of Piezoelectric Actuator, Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), accepted, 2021. (EI in Chinese)
(81) M. Varnosfaderani+ P. Maghoul*, N. Wu, Modelling the penetration of subsonic rigid projectile probes into granular materials using the cavity expansion theory Computers and Geotechnics, Computers and Geotechnics, Accepted, 2021. (IF: 4.95)
(80) S. Wang, C. Deng, O. Ojo, B. Akinrinlola, J. Kozub, N. Wu*, Design and modeling of a novel three dimensional auxetic reentrant honeycomb structure for energy absorption, Composite Structures, Accepted, 2021. (IF: 5.40)
(79) P. Wang+, Y. Xiao, N. Wu*, Electrical Power Generation using Dynamic Piezoelectric Shear Deformation under Friction, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, accepted, 2021. (IF: 2.16)
(78) M. Hodaei, P. Maghoul*, N. Wu, Three-Dimensional Biomechanical Modeling of Cylindrical Bone-Like Porous Materials Subject to Acoustic Waves, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, in press, 2021. (IF: 5.32)
(77) A. Safian+, H. Zhang, X. Liang*, N. Wu, Dynamic simulation of a cylindrical roller bearing with a local defect by combining finite element and lumped parameter models, Measurement Science and Technology, in press, 2021. (IF:2.04) DOI: 10.22190/FUME210324045W
(76) P. Wang+ N. Wu, H. Luo, Z. Sun*, Study on vibration response of a non-uniform beam with nonlinear boundary condition, Facta Universitatis Series Mechanical Engineering, accepted, 2021. (IF:3.32)
(75) P. Wang+ N. Wu*, H. Luo, Z. Sun*, Study on dynamics responses and applications of non-uniform beam structure under crosswind, Journal of Vibration and Control, In press, 2021. (IF:3.09) https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463211018306
(74) J. Xiao, N. Wu, O. Ojo, C. Deng*, Stacking fault and transformation-induced plasticity in nanocrystalline high-entropy alloys, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 36, 2705-2714, 2021. (IF: 5.28)
(73) N. Wu, B. Bao, Q. Wang*, Review on engineering structural designs for efficient piezoelectric energy harvesting to obtain high power output, Engineering Structures, Accepted, 2021. (IF: 3.54)
(72) S. Zhao+ N. Wu*, Q. Wang, Load path-guided fiber trajectory in composite panels: a comparative study and a novel combined method, Composite Structures, Accepted, 2021. (IF: 5.13)
(71) V. Rabbani+ N. Wu*, Active Broadband Sound Transmission Loss Control Through an Arbitrary Thick Smart Piezo-laminated Cylinder, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 110, 106515, 2021. (IF: 4.49)
(70) B. Bao*, Q. Wang*, N. Wu, S. Zhou, Hand-held piezoelectric energy harvesting structure: Design, dynamic analysis, and experimental validation, Measurement, Vol. 174, 109001, 2021. (IF: 3.36)
(69) Z. Wang+, N Wu, Q. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Yang, F. Wu*, Novel Bionic Design Method for Skeleton Structures based on Load Path Analysis, Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, 8251, 2020. (IF: 2.474)
(68) Z. Wang+, Q. Wang, N. Wu, B. Guo, F. Wu*. Structural improvement of vehicle component based on the load path and load distribution analysis, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Accepted, 2020. (IF: 1.245)
(67) J. Xiao, N. Wu, O. Ojo, C. Deng*, Electron localization governed plasticity in nanotwinned metals beyond the Hall-Petch type limit, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 797, 140-251, 2020. (IF: 4.65)
(66) S. Zhao+ N. Wu*, and Q. Wang, Deep residual U-net with input of static structural responses for efficient U* load transfer path analysis, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 46, 101184, 2020. (IF: 3.87)
(65) N. Yang*, Y. Deng, Z. Mao, S. Wang, X. Niu, N. Wu*, Cross-like lattices with tailorable mechanical properties, Materials Letters, Vol. 281, 128617, 2020. (IF: 3.2)
(64) J. Xiao, N. Wu, O. Ojo, C. Deng*, Dislocation nucleation in CoNiCrFeMn high entropy alloy, Materialia, Vol. 12, 100749, 2020.
(63) H. Bisheh+, M. Bisheh, N Wu, An investigation into Laminated Composite Automotive Driveshafts, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Accepted, 2020. (IF: 3.05)
(62) S. Zhao+ N. Wu*, Q. Wang, Novel Damage Detection Tool Based on Load Path Analysis Using Ustar (U*), IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 82607, 2020. (IF: 4.09)
(61) S. Bagheri+ N. Wu*, and S. Filizadeh*, Application of Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Simulation-Based Optimal Design of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 29, 105004, 2020. (IF: 3.54)
(60) M. Hodaei, V. Rabbani+ P. Maghoul*, A. Bahari, K. Farhang, N. Wu, Analytical Modeling of Contact Mechanics of Helical Gear, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Accepted, 2020.
(59) X. Wang+ N. Wu*, Q. Wang*, Frequency Comparison Function Method for Real-Time Identification of Breathing Crack at Welding Joint, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 20, 2041001, 2020. (IF: 2.15)
(58) H. Bisheh+, T. Rabczuk*, N. Wu, Effects of nanotube agglomeration on wave dynamics of carbon nanotube-reinforced piezocomposite shells, Composite Part B: Engineering, Vol. 187, 107739, 2020. (IF: 6.86)
(57) H.B. Oyelaja+, N. Wu, O.A. Ojo, Fabrication and characterization of plastics with electrical and magnetic properties, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 106, 3451+462, 2020. (IF: 2.6)
(56) N. Yang*, Y. Deng, Z.F. Mao, Y.T. Chen, N. Wu, X.D. Niu, New network architectures with tunable mechanical properties inspired by origami, Materials Today Advances, Vol. 4, 100028, 2020. (New journal under Materials Today)
(55) H. Bisheh+ N. Wu, T. Rabczuk*, Free vibration analysis of smart laminated carbon nanotube-reinforced composite cylindrical shells with various boundary conditions in hygrothermal environments, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 181, 171758, 2020. (IF: 3.48)
(54) A. Keshmiri+ S. Bagheri+ N. Wu*, Simulation-Based Optimization of a Non-Uniform Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with Stack Boundary, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Vol. 13, 500-505, 2019.
(53) X. Wang, Y. Liu*, H. Lu, N. Wu, D. Hui, Y. Fu, A coupling model for cooperative dynamics in shape memory polymer undergoing multiple glass transitions and complex stress relaxations, Polymer, Vol 181, 121785, 2019. (IF: 3.77)
(52) H. Bisheh+, N. Wu*, D. Hui, Polarization effects on wave propagation characteristics of piezoelectric coupled laminated fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical shells, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 161-162, 105028, 2019. (IF: 4.13)
(51) V. Rabbani+ M. Hodaei, X. Deng, H. Lu, D. Hui, N. Wu*, Sound Transmission Through a Thick-Walled FGM Piezo-laminated Cylindrical Shell Filled with and Submerged in Compressible Fluids, Engineering Structures, Vol. 197, 109323, 2019. (IF: 3.08)
(50) X. Wang, H. Lu*, N. Wu, D. Hui, M. Chen, Y. Fu, Cooperative principle in multiple glass transitions and strain relaxations of thermochemically responsive shape memory polymer, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 28, 085011, 2019. (IF: 3.54)
(49) X. Wang+ N. Wu*, Crack Identification at Welding Joint with a New Smart Coating Sensor and Entropy, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 124, 65-82, 2019. (IF: 5.00)
(48) S. Bagheri+ N. Wu*, S. Filizadeh*, Numerical modeling and analysis of self-powered synchronous switching circuit for the study of transient charging behavior of a vibration energy harvester, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 28, 105056, 2019. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-665X/ab070f (IF: 3.54)
(47) H. Bisheh+, N. Wu*, On dispersion relations in smart laminated fiber-reinforced composite membranes considering different piezoelectric coupling effects, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 32, 487-509, 2019. (IF: 1.491)
(46) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu*, New Energy Harvester with Embedded Piezoelectric Stacks, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 163, 303-313, 2019. (IF: 6.86)
(45) H. Bisheh+, N. Wu*, Wave propagation in smart laminated composite cylindrical shells reinforced with carbon nanotubes in hygrothermal environments, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 162, 219-241, 2019. (IF: 6.86)
(44) Q. Wang+ G. Zhang, C. Sun+ N. Wu*, High efficient load paths analysis with U* index generated by deep learning, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.344, 499-511, 2019. (IF: 4.82)
(43) X. Wang, H. Lu*, N. Wu, D. Hui, Y. Fu, Unraveling bio-inspired pre-swollen effects of tetra-polyethylene glycol double network hydrogels with ultra-stretchable yielding strain, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 28, 035005, 2019. (IF: 3.54)
(42) X.W. Deng, N. Wu, K. Yang+, W.L. Chan, Integrated design framework of next-generation 85-m wind turbine blade: Modelling, aeroelasticity and optimization, Composite Part B: Engineering, Vol. 159, 53-61, 2019. (IF: 6.86)
(41) V. Rabbani+ A. Bahari+ M. Hodaei+ P. Maghoul, N. Wu*, Three-Dimensional Free Vibration Analysis of Triclinic Piezoelectric Hollow Cylinder, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 158, 352-363, 2018. (IF: 6.86)
(40) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu*, A wideband piezoelectric energy harvester design by using multiple non-uniform bimorphs, Vibration, Vol. 1, 93-104, 2018. (new journal 2018)
(39) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu* and Q. Wang, Vibration analysis of non-uniform tapered beams with FGM properties, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 32, 1-13, 2018. (IF: 1.22)
(38) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu*, Structural stability enhancement by nonlinear geometry design and piezoelectric layers, Journal of Vibration and Control, Available online, 2018. (IF: 2.86) https://doi.org/10.1177/1077546318794540
(37) H. Kh. Bisheh+ and N. Wu*, Analysis of wave propagation characteristics in piezoelectric cylindrical composite shells reinforced with carbon nanotubes, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol.145, 200-220, 2018. (IF: 4.13)
(36) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu* and Quan Wang*, A new nonlinearly tapered FGM piezoelectric energy harvester, Engineering Structures, Vol. 173, 52-60, 2018. (IF: 3.08)
(35) S. Bagheri+ N. Wu* and Shaahin Filizadeh, Modeling of capacitor charging dynamics in an energy harvesting system considering accurate electromechanical coupling effects, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.27, 065026, 2018. (IF: 3.54)
(34) H. Kheirollahi+and N. Wu*, Wave propagation characteristics in a piezoelectric coupled laminated composite cylindrical shell by considering transverse shear effects and rotary inertia, Composite Structures, Vol. 191, 123-144, 2018. (IF: 4.82)
(33) S. Osho+ N. Wu*, M. Aramfard+ C. Deng, O. Ojo, Fabrication and calibration of a piezoelectric nanocomposite paint, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 27, 035007, 2018. (IF: 3.54)
(32) E. Rahman+ N. Wu* and C. Wu, Automotive components fatigue and durability testing with flexible vibration testing table, SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH, 10-02-01-0004, 2018.
(31) A. Keshmiri+ N. Wu* and Q. Wang, Analytical vibration analysis of nonlinearly tapered cone beam using Adomian Decomposition Method, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 18, 07, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455418501018, 2018. (IF: 2.15)
(30) A. Ghanbari+ N. Wu* and C. Wu, Experimental study on the crack detection with optimized spatial wavelet analysis and windowing, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.104, 619-630, 2018. (IF: 5.00)
(29) B. Wimarshana+ F. Goes+ N. Wu* and C. Wu, Experimental study on breathing crack detection and evaluation under random loading with Entropy, Transactions of CSME, Vol. 41, 2018.
(28) V. Nguyen+, N. Wu and Q. Wang, A review on energy harvesting from ocean waves by piezoelectric technology, Journal of Modeling in Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 1, ISSN (Online) 2328-2355, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/jmmm-2016-0161 (New journal for 2016)
(27) A. Ghanbari Mardasi+, N. Wu* and C. Wu, High Sensitivity Crack Detection and Locating with Optimized Spatial Wavelet Analysis, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.11, 858-863, 2017.
(26) B. Wimarshana+ N. Wu* and C. Wu, Application of entropy to breathing crack identification on a beam structure: simulation and experiment studies, Structural Health Monitoring, Vol.17, 549-564, 2017. (IF: 4.93)
(25) B. Wimarshana+ N. Wu* and C. Wu, Entropy parameter optimization for high sensitive damage identification, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, Vol.4, 33-52, 2017. (IF: 2.10)
(24) Y.K. Cheng+ N. Wu* and Q. Wang, An efficient piezoelectric energy harvester with frequency self-tuning, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 396, 69-82, 2017. (IF: 3.12)
(23) S. Zhao+ N. Wu* and Q. Wang, Crack identification through scan-tuning of vibration characteristics using piezoelectric materials, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.26, 025005, 2016. (IF: 3.54)
(22) S. Zhao+ N. Wu and Q. Wang*, Damage detection of beams by a vibration characteristics tuning technique through an optimal design of piezoelectric, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol.16, 1550070, 2016. (IF: 2.15)
(21) N. Wu*, Study on the forced vibration of a beam with a breathing crack using iteration method, Journal of Mechanical Science Technology, Vol.29 pp. 2827-2835, 2015. (IF: 1.22)
(20) N. Wu, Q. Wang* and X.D. Xie, Ocean wave energy harvesting by a piezoelectric coupled buoy structure, Applied Ocean Research, Vol.50 pp. 110-118, 2015. (IF: 1.95)
(19) X.D. Xie, Q. Wang* and N. Wu, Energy harvesting from transverse ocean waves by a piezoelectric plate, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 81 pp.41-48, 2014. (IF: 9.05)
(18) X.D. Xie, Q. Wang* and N. Wu, A ring piezoelectric energy harvester excited by magnetic forces, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 77 pp.71-78, 2014. (IF: 9.05)
(17) X.D. Xie, Q. Wang* and N. Wu, Potential of a piezoelectric energy harvester from sea waves, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333 pp.1421-1429, 2014. (IF: 3.12)
Before 2014:
(16) N. Wu, Q. Wang* and X.D. Xie, Wind energy harvesting with a piezoelectric harvester, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22 (095023), 2013. (IF: 3.54)
(15) X.D. Xie, N. Wu, K.V. Yuen, Q. Wang*, Energy harvesting from high-rise buildings by a piezoelectric coupled cantilever with a proof mass, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 72 pp.98-106, 2013. (IF: 9.05)
(14) N. Wu, Q. Wang* and S.S. Pang, Dispersion of a bundle of carbon nanotubes by mechanical torsional energy, Carbon, Vol. 59 pp.229-236, 2013. (IF: 7.46)
(13) N. Wu and Q. Wang*, A study on interaction of DNA molecules and carbon nanotubes for an effective ejection of the molecules, Physics Letter A, Vol. 376 pp.3267-3271, 2012. (IF: 2.08)
(12) N. Wu, Q. Wang* and B. Arash, Ejection of DNA Molecules with Carbon Nanotubes, Carbon, Vol.50 pp. 4945-4952, 2012. (IF: 7.46)
(11) Q. Wang* and N. Wu, Optimal design of piezoelectric coupled vibrating beam for power harvesting, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21 (085013), 2012. (IF: 3.54)
(10) B. Arash, Q. Wang* and N. Wu, Gene detection with carbon nanotubes, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, Vol. 3 (020901), 2012.
(9) Q. Wang* and N. Wu, An review on structure enhancement and repair using piezoelectric materials and shape memory alloys, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.21 (013001), 2012. (Downloaded 3000+ times from Jan. 2012till now) (Journal highlights collection 2012) (IF: 3.54)
(8) N. Wu and Q. Wang*, An experimental study on repair of a cracked beam subjected to dynamic loading with piezoelectric patches, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.20 (115023), 2011. (IF: 3.54)
(7) N. Wu and Q. Wang*, Experimental study on damage detection of beam structures with wavelets transform, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.49 pp. 253-261, 2011. (IF: 9.05)
(6) Q. Wang* and N. Wu, Detecting the delamination location of a beam with wavelet transform: An experimental study, Smart Materials and Structures (Feature article), Vol. 20 (012002), 2011. (Journal highlights collection 2011) (IF: 3.54)
(5) N. Wu and Q. Wang*, Repair of a delaminated plate under static loading with piezoelectric patches, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.19 (105025), 2010. (IF: 3.54)
(4) N. Wu and Q. Wang*, Repair of vibrating delaminated beam structures using piezoelectric patches, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.19 (035027), 2010. (IF: 3.54)
(3) N. Wu, Q. Wang* and S.T. Quek, Free vibration analysis of piezoelectric coupled circular plate with open circuit, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329 pp. 1126-1136, 2010. (IF: 3.12)
(2) Q. Wang*, N. Wu and S.T. Quek, Acoustic wave in piezoelectric coupled plates with open circuit, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol.10 pp. 1-15, 2010. (IF: 2.15)
(1) Q. Wang* and N. Wu, A review on repair of cracked and delaminated structures with piezoelectric materials, CSME Bulletin, June, 2011.

Conference Papers:

(4) N. Wu and Q. Wang, Repair of notched beam subjected to dynamic loading using piezoelectric patches C numerical simulation, CSME Congress 2012, June 4-6, 2012, Winnipeg, Canada.
(3) N. Wu and Q. Wang, Experimental study of repair of notched beam using piezoelectric materials, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Non-destructive Evaluation and Monitoring, March 11-15, 2012, San Diego, California, USA.
(2) N. Wu and Q. Wang, Repair of a square delaminated plate under a static loading, 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 12-July 14, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
(1) N. Wu and Q. J. Peng, Maintainability evaluation based on product disassembly analysis, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 30 - September 2, 2009, San Diego, California, USA.
