(above) Greater Winnipeg Transit Commission #157, a 1944 General Motors TG-3609 bus in 1956.
Peter Cox photo, City of Winnipeg Transit System collection. Used by permission. |
(above) Greater Winnipeg Transit Commission #108, a General Motors TDH-4512 "old look," at the Assiniboine Avenue garage displaying "Wolseley" route signage.
City of Winnipeg Transit System photo. Used by permission. |
(above) Winnipeg Transit 1956 General Motors TDH-4512 "old look" #104. These buses were retired by 1978.
City of Winnipeg Transit System photo. Used by permission. |
(above) Former Winnipeg Transit #105, a General Motors TDH-4512 "old look" bus, rests in a junkyard in Red Lake, Ontario.
Several buses of this series had second careers with Excel Bus Lines
in Kenora.
Ross Smith photo. Used by permission. |
David A. Wyatt, 2007.