General workshop outline for use of GPS receivers and recreation activities
This workshop will provide a basic understanding of GPS (Global
Positioning System) and how it works. The primary focus will be the
use and limits of hand held GPS receivers for recreational activities
such as canoeing, hiking or geocaching. The workshop is broken into two
sections: 1. In class theory, 2. Field exercise. I expect that
most participants will already own their own GPS receivers; there will be a few
'for loan' receivers as well. The overall workshop time is roughly 5-6 hours.
The workshop does not provide more advanced information on higher end survey
grade GPS receivers, or the math that goes along with the system. The
theory is mostly limited to 'arm-waving' explainations.
This section provides an overview of the GPS system, terminology,
and jargon. There is an opportunity to ask questions, look at various
receivers, additions, and other equipment. While it is not
necessary to know how the system works to use a GPS receiver
is often is quite helpful - a poor understanding of
datums can have dire consequences. Time: 2-3 hours.
- What is GPS, number of satellites, generally how it works. Distinction between GPS and GPS receivers.
- Accuracy, Error, sources of error
- Enhancements to basic GPS (WAAS, DGPS)
- Limitations - Sky view, movement/direction, power, temperature
- Datums and why they are important (e.g. NAD27, NAD83, WGS84)
- Co-ordinate Systems (e.g. Lat/Long, UTM)
- Working with maps and magnetic compass and why you should always
take these (and extra batteries)
- Terminology (only a little)
- Considerations on purchase (types of GPS receivers, additions, limitations)
- Geocaching and other uses
- Common setup and configuration options
Field Exercise
This section will be done out side and give participants a chance
to try a GPS receiver in the field. Time 2-3 hours.
- Turn on and set up basic configuration, clear existing tracks and
odometer settings.
- Locate current position and setup a waypoint
- Enter a waypoint and go to that point
- Compare current position to a monumented (or known) point
- Look at differences between different types of units,
coverage, signal quality, error under various conditions
- Project a point from current position and go to that point
- Look at changes in elevation and associated error
- Find a geocache (or two)
- Look at odometer, track readings and other measurements
- Use of 'Track Back' options
- Create a route from existing points, distance of route
compared to odometer and track readings
- Walk a route
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Last modified: Sat Oct 23 07:08:48 2010