LAST UPDATE: 1999/05/07 Fri
In times of trouble it is often reassuring to make physical contact
with friendly objects. The portion of this web page just below will be your
friend. Feel free to make friendly contact, but please don't over do it.
SGI Advanced Graphics Division Antics. "Blowed
Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches Pop-tarts will
never seem the same.
Media Comic Strips Cartoons and more.
The Red
Green Web Site Virtual duct tape that's very handy.
Joke Wallpaper Page What Bill Gates doesn't tell you, and more!
P. E. T. A. To quote Homer Simpson: "Hmmmmm,
The Dilbert Zone
I have a lot of respect for Watterson with his
creation of Calvin & Hobbes and the integrity he had for pulling out of
the business while it was still something to be remembered. In the
meantime Adams has filled the void as my favourite active comic. Click on
the icon to visit Dilbert and his creator, Scott Adams.
Check out Will's Jokes
Over the years I've collected a sizeable number of jokes. Some are
clean, some are obscene, and some are downright offensive. I love them
all. Use your browser's ftp/text viewing capability to look at them.
Click on
me to find Will's jokes.
Meet Will's Folks!


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