The following theses were completed by students in our group (chronologically):
Harris, L.W.E., 1998. The quantification of perceptual and behavioural variation in commercial fishing logbooks (Master’s thesis).
Watkinson, D.A., 2001. A comparative study of new methods of quantifying scale shape for stock discrimination (Master’s thesis).
Van Gerwen-Toyne, M., 2002. Comparison of growth, age-at-maturity, and fecundity for broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in the lower Mackenzie Delta, NWT and evaluation of the Peel River fish-monitoring program (Master’s thesis).
Speers, J.D., 2007. The effects of environment on catch and effort for the commercial fishery of Lake Winnipeg, Canada (Master’s thesis).
Loewen, T., 2008. Life history, morphometric and habitat use variation in Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations of Southern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada (Master’s thesis).
Van der Lee, A., 2012. Fleet dynamics around a seasonal regulatory closure on the Scotian shelf. (Master’s thesis).
Charles, C., 2013. An examination of predator habitat usage: movement analysis in a marine fishery and freshwater fish (Master’s thesis).
Fulton, S. 2014. Occurance and timing of targeting behaviour in the Lake Winnipeg gillnet fishery: implications for the estimation of abundance (Honour’s thesis).
Geisler, M.E., 2015. Forecasting the effects of invasive dreissenid mussels on walleye (Sander vitreus) habitat occupancy and yield (Master’s thesis).
Aljafary, M., 2016. Accounting for potential nonlinearity between catch and effort using meta-analysis and applying GLM and GLMM to fishing data from deployments of fixed and mobile gear (Master’s thesis).
Fulton, S., 2017. Behavioural biases in multispecies commercial fisheries and their impacts on stock assessments (Master’s thesis).
Christie, K., 2018. Vessel dynamics of the Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery: examining spatial associations and fishing success (Master’s thesis).
Enright, D., 2020. Impacts of a regulatory boundary on effort distributions in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization 4X and 5Z groundfish fisheries (Master’s thesis).
Munaweera Arachchilage, I.P., 2023. Bayesian modeling and simulation methods for fish movements. (Ph.D. thesis)
Biddlecombe, B., 2023. Modelling population abundance and future trajectories for Arctic marine mammals to inform Canadian sustainable fisheries management. (Ph.D. thesis)
Chymy, H., 2024. Using non-traditional methodology to evaluate the influence of commercial operations on Great Slave Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush. (M.Sc. thesis)
Alsip, L., 2024. Environmental and spatial influences on abundance and size-at-age of Lake Whitefish in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. (M.Sc. thesis)