What is plagiarism? (Adapted from S.E. Bramer (1995) Widener University) Plagiarize: to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as your own; use a created production without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. (From: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary 9th Edition, 1981, p.870). What does this mean for you?
As an example, what is your reaction to the following statement? The examples above may seem obvious. However things start to get a bit grey when you paraphrase. There is one simple solution - DO NOT PARAPHRASE! Only use someone else's writing when you want to quote precisely what they wrote. Otherwise - USE YOUR OWN WORDS. This avoids ambiguity about who wrote it and prevents charges of plagiarism. Learn to write in your own style. You may be influenced by authors that you find clear and easy to understand, but your writing needs to be YOURS. Mimicking someone else is not a productive exercise. The instructor reading and marking your work is interested in YOUR understanding of an idea. They are not interested in your ability to copy explanations from the textbook. Understanding and learning are more than just replaying something you have heard. Writing tests your ability to explain a topic. You may think you understand something, but often you don't until you try to write it out. This is an integral part of learning.