As well as varying one of the parameters (e.g., passive articulator),
there can be variations in timing:
- of one consonant relative the other sounds
- between constriction gestures within a consonant
- between a constriction gesture and glottal activity or nasality
One example is the kind of overlapping we have already seen between the
closure phases of [p] and [t] in apt or [k] and [t] in
The second consonant in words like city or butter is quite
different from an ordinary [t].
- It is extremely fast.
- The closure phase is so brief that the vocal cords usually don't have
enough time to stop vibrating, then start again for the following vowel.
(Often they don't even try.)
This kind of constriction is called a tap. It is usually treated
as a minor type of constriction degree (alongside stop, fricative, etc.)
and given a separate row in consonant charts. The IPA symbol for an
alveolar tap is a lower-case [r] without the upper serif.
For example:
Rogers contrasts a tapped-t with an ordinary stop [d], but it is common
for d's to be tapped in English as well. There is often no
difference in the alveolar constriction between latter and
ladder, or futile and feudal. Even when the vocal
cords fail to stop vibrating during the "voiceless" tap, this usually
doesn't make the words identical in Canadian English: the secondary cues
to consonant voicing are still there, e.g., effects on the pitch and
length of the preceding vowel.
The vocal cords need not turn on and off at exactly the same instant that
a stop closure is created or released. There can be different timing
relationships between vocal cord vibration and stop closure:
- vibration occurs throughout the closure (fully voiced)
- vibration begins during the closure (partially voiced)
- vibration begins simultaneously with the release (voiceless unaspirated)
- vibration begins after the release (voiceless aspirated)
The last three are illustrated in Rogers' Figure 3.3:
These possibilities are referred to as Voice Onset Time (VOT).
Stops transcribed as "voiced" and "voiceless" in a broad transcription can
have different VOTs in different contexts and in different languages.
Voiced stops in French are typically fully voiced. English voiced stops
are often fully voiced between vowels, but usually only partially voiced
(and sometimes even voiceless unaspirated).
Voiceless stops in French are typically unaspirated (i.e., no delay
between the release and the onset of voicing). Voiceless stops in English
are unaspirated in some contexts (e.g., after an [s]) and aspirated in
others (e.g., at the beginning of a stressed syllable).
In English, the delay in voice onset after an aspirated stop will occur
whether the following sound is a vowel or a consonant. If the following
sound is a consonant, it will become (at least partially) voiceless:
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