Marcos Lemes

Marcos Lemes
Ph.D., University of Manitoba (2010)

University of Manitoba
Department of Environment and Geography & Department of Chemistry, 470 Parker
Winnipeg, MB , Canada R3T 2N2
Tel.: 204-474-6844


Research Interests
My research is mainly on Environmental Analytical Chemistry dealing with metal and organometallic compounds in water and biota. Chemical speciation of trace elements in different matrices is particular interest to understand their role in the ecosystem.

Current research projects include:

Ø   Trace metal speciation and bioavailability in aquatic systems

Ø   Metallomics of mercury and methylmercury

Ø   Ultra-trace analytical techniques for chemical speciation (HPLC-ICP/ESI-MS)

Year Degree University
Ph.D. in Chemistry University of Manitoba, Canada
M.Sc. in Chemistry University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
B.Sc. in Chemistry Oswaldo Cruz College, Brazil

Course Taught

Wang F., Lemes M., and Khan M.A. 2011. Metallomics of mercury: Role of thiol- and selenol-containing biomolecules. In: Liu G, Cai Y, O'Driscoll NJ, editors. In: Advances in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury. Wiley: 517- 538

Lemes, M., Wang, F., Stern, G., Ostertag, S., and Chang H. 2011 Methylmercury and Selenium Speciation in Different Tissues of Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Western Canadian Arctic. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. Vol. 30, 12: 2732-2738

Lu Li, Feiyue Wang, Bo Meng, Marcos Lemes, Xinbin Feng, and Guibin Jiang 2010. Speciation of Methylmercury in Rice Grown from a Mercury Mining Area. Environmental Pollution vol. 158: 3103-3107

Lemes, M. and F. Wang 2009. Methylmercury speciation in fish muscle by HPLC-ICP-MS following enzymatic hydrolysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24: 663–668.

Flues, M.S.M.; Hama. P.; Lemes, M.; Dantas, E.S.K.; Fornaro, A. (2007).Evaluation of the rainwater acidity of a rural region due to a coal-fired power plant in Brazil. In Estudy of coal-fired power plant in figueira. São Paulo: Cubo Multimídia, CD-ROM, Chapter 8 (ISBN: 978-85-60064-03-8).

Lemes MJL, Flues M, Pires MAF 2005. Evaluation of metal availability of the Mogi-Guacu and Pardo hydrographic Basins. Terrae Geosciences, Geography and the Environment, 2(1-2), pp. 46-54

Flues M, Hama P, Lemes MJL, Dantas ESK, Fornaro A. 2002. Evaluation of the Rain Water Acidity of a Rural Region due to a Coal Fired Power Plant in Brazil.Atmospheric Environmental. vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 2397-2404

Lemes MJL, Pires MAF, Filho PM. 2001. Influence of Sediment Composition of Hydrographic Basins from Pardo and Mogi-Guaçu Rivers for Water Supplying. Química Nova .Vol. 26, No. 1, 13-20, 2003