LABORATORY 6: Mitosis and Meiosis


Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the main steps of cell reproduction of a prokaryotic cell
  2. Describe the main steps in cell reproduction of a plant and animal cell.
  3. Draw the main stages of a 2N=4 cell undergoing mitosis.
  4. Explain, using pipe cleaner models, the movement of chromosomes in mitosis.
  5. Describe and sketch the main stages of mitosis observed in an onion root tip.
  6. Describe and draw a homologous pair of chromosomes.
  7. Draw the main stages of a 2N=4 cell undergoing meiosis.
  8. Explain, using pipe cleaner models, the movement of chromosomes in meiosis.
  9. Describe plant and animal life cycles.
  10. Describe meiosis stages in a lily anther.
  11. Describe meiosis stages in an Ascaris worm.



Laboratory 6 Topics

First published Sept 95: Modified June 2020
Copyright © Michael Shaw 2019 (Images and Text)

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