Help on Help

Online Help is context-sensitive and can be associated with displays, classes, tags, or fields. ACEDB first attempts to display help in Mosaic, a public domain program developed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. If Mosaic is not found then an ACEDB window is used instead.

You may want to experiment with Mosaic's font settings ("Options" menu). "Lucida Bright Small" works well for many users.

To obtain help

Note that the F1, F10 or Help key invoke help as well. Some of these keys may not work on some machines, but one should.

Mosaic, hypertext, and help files

Mosaic is a tool for viewing hypertext documents and has become popular for viewing information on the World Wide Web. However, ACEDB help does not require a network connection as all required information is provided with your copy of the database.

ACEDB uses the script $ACEDB/wscripts/Mosaic.csh to find and start Mosaic the first time you ask for help. Subsequent help texts will be displayed in the same Mosaic window.

Each help text is a single file in the directory $ACEDB/whelp. Some help files are supplied as part of the standard ACEDB distribution and describe how to use the software. Others are added by data curators and are database-specific. If ACEDB "asks" for a file but it is missing, the fallback mechanism discussed above is used.

Help files are also connected to each other via hypertext links and are listed in the Table of Contents.

to Table of Contents

last edited: July 1994