ACEDB Main Window

This help contains information on how to use the ACEDB Main Window.

For more general help refer to these pages:

To exit the program, choose Quit from the menu in the Main Window.

The Main Window presents a list of Classes, which are the categories around which information is organized in the database. For example, a class called "Locus" could be designed to store information about genetic markers. Each class consists of a list of members called "objects". The objects named ABC1 and xyz-1 might be members of the Locus class.

By default all visible classes (as specified in wspec/options.wrm) are displayed in the class chooser. The way classes are presented is configurable on the layout editor by clicking the button "Set Selection"

The Main Window lets you find objects in the database in several ways:

1. You can pick a visible Class by clicking with the left mouse button. Clicking again will give a list of the names of all objects in that class in the Main KeySet, also called a Selection List. You can restrict this list by typing a template in the yellow Search box. When you press the RETURN key you obtain all names matching the text in the yellow box. Name recognition usually is not case sensitive, except if this option was explicitly requested by the database curator. Do not be too fancy. Named are recognized as-is, backslashes quotes and punctuation will be assumed to belong to the name. However ? and * are used as wildcards:

To actually display an object you must pick its name twice in the Main KeySet. A new window will open containing more information about the object. The new window might contain text or be a special display, like a genetic map.

2. You can search the database by typing a text string in the Text Search box (first click on it with the left button to make it yellow). This will find all the objects in the database which contain the search text. More precisely, we find all objects whose name contains the search string, all objects that refer to this object, and all objects containing searchable Text (or other X class data) containing the search string.

3. You can pick any other class Class by filing the search box and then clicking on the black triangle following the words in Class: with the left or the right mouse button. In addition the Main Window menu allows access to other applications and functions of ACEDB, many of which have their own help:

Menu items:

The following entries only exist if your username is registered in wspec/passwd.wrm:

to Table of Contents

last edited: April 1999