Definition of my Research Question

After reviewing the pertinent research, I have decided to investigate the hot-spots in the nucleus on NGC 2903. I hope to collect blue filter data in addition to clear data and compare. However, I suspect that the section of the galaxy that I wish to observe will not be resolved in the field of view of the 7x7 arcminute field of view of the Evans 40-cm telescope at Glenlea, as the region will be only about 400 pixels. My actual research question:

How are the properties of the hot-spots determined?

Basically, as I read information on the hot-spots my question progressed from "what are they" to "how do we look for them" to "how'd they figure that out?" How can astronomers "look" at the data and see HII regions, or globular clusters?

While I realize that I will not be able to perform the same kind of measurements as most of the major studies, I wish to obtain data in the blue wavelengths at the very least and attempt to see whether the hot spots are resolved in the images.




Banner image is a slice of HST image by NASA/ESA.