Previous Images

The following are previous images of NGC 2903 taken from major telescopes:

Hubble Space Telescope

Credit -- Torsten Boeker, STScI, NASA; 1999, image from here
Zoomed in IR image of center, field unknown

Credit -- NASA & ESA. Image from here
Composite of 3 images, red from 820 nm filter green from 520 nm filter, blue from 331 nm filter. HST WFPC2, field unknown

STScI Digized Sky Survey

POSS2/UKS2 Red -- Field 7'x7' POSS2/UKS2 Blue -- Field 7'x7'
POSS2/UKS2 IR -- field 7'x7'  
STScI image server link here  

Sloan Digital Sky Survey

These images were pieced together from two different plates of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, since the galaxy was on the edge of the plates. FOV ~ 12.5'x11.5'

u filter - 354.3 nm
g filter - 477.0 nm
r filter - 623.1 nm
i filter - 762.5
z filter - 913.4 nm


Palomar 1.5 m -- superposition of g,r, and i filter images 1996 image from here




Banner image is a slice of HST image by NASA/ESA