CHEM7520 Advanced
Aquatic Chemistry |
Instructor: Dr. F. Wang, 466 Wallace Building. Tel.:
(204) 474-6250
This is an advanced course in aquatic
chemistry, examining chemical processes affecting the speciation and
bioavailability of trace metal contaminants in the aquatic environment. The
concept of chemical speciation and bioavailability will be discussed first,
followed by a detailed examination on thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic
transport of chemical species across the air/water, water/sediment, and
water/biota interfaces, with a particular emphasis on the biointerface.
This course is offered together with an
undergraduate-level course, Aquatic
Chemistry (CHEM4550 & ENVR4550). While the lectures will be mainly on
basic equilibrium issues (for undergraduate students and those graduate
students who have not taken the corresponding undergraduate course), graduate
students will be focusing more on kinetic issue, as well as biointerface,
through extra assignments, group discussions, and presentations.
1. Download the errata of
the Aquatic Chemistry textbook by J.N. Jensen
to Dr. F. Wang’s homepage