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Environmental & Evolutionary Physiology

My research employs phylogenomic and physiological approaches to better understand the evolution of respiratory pigments (hemoglobin/myoglobin) of mammals ranging from the smallest shrews to the largest whales, with a focus on protein function adaptive for subterranean and aquatic life, and the thermal specializations of extinct cold-adapted species (e.g. woolly mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, and Steller's sea cow). Additional research is centered on historical contingencies arising from the inactivation of protein coding genes in select mammalian lineages, and their associations with evolutionary transitions apparent in the fossil record. Funding for my research is primarily provided by grants from the NSERC Discovery Grant Program.


2024-2025 Courses Taught:

On research sabbatical leave Fall Term 2024

Human Physiology 2 - BIOL 2420 (Winter Term 2025)

Recent Lab News:

Collaborative study with William Joyce (Aarhus University) and former post-doc Kai He (Guangzhou University) on the ~1000 beats per minute resting heart rates of shrews published in Science (September 2024)

A Winnipeg welcome to new M.Sc. student Avery Bate (September 2024)

A warm lab welcome to the Undergraduate Research Award recipients Sean Delaney and Kennedy Campbell (May 2024)

Pleased to announce that Catrione Lee has started her Ph.D. in the lab. Welcome Catrione! (January 2024)

Tony Signore paper on the extreme hemoglobin phenotype of the extinct Steller's sea cow published in eLife and featured as an eLife digest (June 2023)

Great fun hosting National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore obtain incredible images of star-nosed moles for The Photo Ark, and film crews from the BBC Natural History Unit and PBS filming star-nosed moles and water shrews (June/July 2022)

Department of Biological Sciences
W465 Duff Roblin Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2 Canada

Tel: 204-474-6397
Fax: 204-474-7588
Email: kevin.campbellumanitoba.ca
Last update March 11, 2025
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