About Stephan Jaeger




  • Research Interests: Museum narratives and experience; Relations between literature and historiography/history; poetics and narratology of historical writing; representations of war and Holocaust; contemporary historical narrative in museums, historiography, literature, and film; human rights research; theory and history of poetry, theories of subjectivity. German and British Romanticism;, European Modernism; literary and cultural theory (particularly narratology, theory of aesthetic response, hermeneutics, poststructuralism, discourse theory, performance theory, cultural memory, cognitive theory) (List of Publications).
  • My current research concentrates on further development of the concept of “experientiality” for the analysis of museums, as developed in my 2020 monograph The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum: From Memory, Narrative, and Experience to Experientiality. This includes 1) analyzing the relationship between war/violence, fiction and children installations in historical museums; 2) the potential of art in war and history museums; 3) a qualitative visitor analysis of war simulations in contemporary museum exhibitions; 4) analyzing the potential of the concept of ‘experientiality’ for exhibitions in Holocaust (Memorial) Museums; 5) analyzing newest Second World War Exhibitions.
  • Establishment of new book series “Museums and Narrative” (edited together with Kerstin Barndt, University of Michigan) with De Gruyter. This series approaches the museum as a narrative medium from literary, memory, media, historiographical, anthropological, and cultural studies perspectives. It invites manuscripts that examine how museums and exhibitions devoted to historical subject matter, heritage and memorial sites, as well as museums of ideas and utopias (institutions that engage in story-making and representations of the past, present, and future) represent temporal structures and processes.
    Call for manuscripts for new scholarly book series: (pdf file of CfM).
  • Further Information on Current Research


  • Teaching Interests: undergraduate and graduate classes in German Literature, Culture, and Language (all levels); Methodology, Literary and Cultural Theory, German Enlightenment, Classicism, and Romanticism, Modernism, contemporary German literature (especially History in Literature), Representations of War and of the Holocaust, Museums and Cultural Memory. Love in German Culture. Stories of Espionage, Stories of Migration
  • Teaching Experience: seminars and lectures about German and European literature, history, culture, and language in Bielefeld (Germany), Gießen (Germany), Szczecin (Poland), Madison (U.S.), Boulder (U.S.), and in Winnipeg (Canada); as well as interdisciplinary summer courses at the Deutsche SchülerAkademie (List of Teaching Experience).

PHD (Dr. phil.)

at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) in December 1999 on the theory of lyrical expression and subjectivity in Romantic and modern poetry (esp. on Brentano, Eichendorff, Trakl, and Rilke) (Abstract) (c.v.).