
For an up-to-date listing with citation count, please visit the Google Scholar Page

*69. Gussakovsky, D., Black, N.A., Booy, E.P., and McKenna, S.A. (2024) “The role of SRP9/SRP14 in regulating Alu RNA.” RNA Biology. 21(1): 1239-1250. [PubMed]

*68. Booy, E.P., Gussakovsky, D., Brown, M., Schwaluk, R., Nachtigal, M.W., and McKenna, S.A. (2024) “lncRNA BC200 is processed into a stable Alu monomer.” RNA. 30(11): 1477-1494. [PubMed]

*67. Koul, A., Hui, L.T., Lubna, N., and McKenna, S.A. (2024) "Distinct domain organization and diversity of 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetases." Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 102(4):305-318. [PubMed]

66. Thind, S., Lima, D., Booy, E.P., Trish, D., McKenna, S.A., Kuss, S. (2024) “Cytochrome c oxidase deficiency detection in human fibroblasts using scanning electrochemical microscopy". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In Press. [PubMed]

65. Lozada, I., Gussakovsky, D., Jayawardhana, D., McKenna, S.A., Zheng, Y.-R., Herbert, D.E. (2023) “Monofunctional Platinum(II) anticancer complexes of multi dentate phenanthridine-containing ligands: photocytotoxicity and evidence for interaction with DNA". Photochemical & Photbiological Sciences. 22(11): 2587-2597. [PubMed]

*64. Gussakovsky, D., Booy, E.P., Brown, M.J.F., and McKenna, S.A. (2023) “Nuclear SRP9/SRP14 heterodimer is critical for Alu-like RNA transcription and stability". RNA. 29: 1185-1200. [PubMed]

*63. Gussakovsky, D. and McKenna, S.A. (2021) “Alu RNA and their roles in human disease states.” RNA Biology. 18 (sup2):574-585. [PubMed]

62. Lee, D., Koul, A., Lubna, N., McKenna, S.A., and Portet, S. (2021) "Mathematical modelling of OAS2 activation by dsRNA and effects of dsRNA lengths." AIMS Mathematics. 6(6): 5924-5941. [PDF]

*61. Dupas, S.J., Gussakovsky, D., Wai, A., Brown, M.J.F., Hausner, G., and McKenna, S.A. (2021) “Predicting human RNA quadruplex helicases through comparative approaches and helices mRNA interactive analyses.” Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 99(5):536-553. [PubMed]

*60. Booy, E.P., Gussakovsky, D., Choi, T., and McKenna, S.A. (2021) “The noncoding RNA BC200 associates with polysomes to positively regulate mRNA translation in tumour cells.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 296: 1000-1036. [PDF]

59. Chamberlain, T.C., Cheung, S.T., Yoon, J.S.J, Ming-Lum, A., Gardill, B.R., Shakibakho, S., Dzananovic, E., Ban, F., Samiea, A., Jawanda, K., Priatel, J., Krystal, G., Ong, C.J., Cherkasov, A., Andersen, R.J., McKenna, S.A., Van Petegem, F., Mui, A.L-F. (2020) "Interlukin-10 and small molecule SHIP1 allosteric regulators trigger anti-inflammatory effects through SHIP1/STAT3 complexes." iScience. 23(8). [PubMed]

58. Wu, Z., Andersen, P., Moraes, T.F., McKenna, S.A., Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Ellison, M., Xiao, W. (2020) “Uev1a amino terminus stimulates poly-ubiquitin chain assembly and is required for NF-kB activation”. Cellular Signalling. 74(2020): 109712. [PubMed]

*57. Koul, A., Gemmill, D., Lubna, N., Meier, M., Krahn, N., Booy, E.P., Stetefeld, J., Patel, T.R., and McKenna, S.A. (2020) “Structural and hydrodynamic characterization of dimeric human oligoadenylate synthetase 2 (OAS2)”. Biophysical Journal. 119(11): 2726-40 [PDF]

*56. McRae, E.K.S., Dupas, S.J., Atefi, N., and McKenna, S.A. (2020) “Monitoring enzymatic RNA G-quadruplex unwinding activities by nuclease sensitivity and reverse transcription stop assays”. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2209: 163-73. [PubMed]

*55. McRae, K.S., Dupas, S.J., Booy, E.P., Piragasam, R.S., Fahlman, R.P., and McKenna, S.A. (2020) “An RNA guanine quadruplex regulated pathway to TRAIL-sensitization by DDX21.” RNA. 26: 44-57. [PubMed]

*54. McRae, E.K.S., Davidson, D.E., and McKenna, S.A. (2020) “2D saturation transfer difference NMR for determination of protein binding sites on RNA guanine quadruplexes”. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2161:101-113. [PubMed]

*53. McRae, E.K.S., Nevonen, D.E., McKenna, S.A., and Nemykin, V.N. (2019) “Binding and Photodynamic Action of the Cationic Zinc Phthalocyanines with Different Types of DNA Toward Understanding of Their Cancer Therapy Activity.” Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 199 (2019) 110793. [PubMed]

*52. Koul, A., Deo, S., Booy, E.P., Orriss, G.L., Genung, M., and McKenna, S.A. (2018) “Impact of double-stranded RNA characteristics on the activation of human 2’-5’-oligoadenylate synthetase 2”. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Bcb-2019-0060. [PubMed]

*51. Booy, E.P., McRae, E.K.S., Ezzati, P., Choi, T., Gussakovsky, D., and McKenna, S.A. (2018) “Comprehensive analysis of the BC200 ribonucleoprotein reveals a reciprocal regulatory function with CSDE1/UNR”. Nucleic Acids Research. 46(21): 11575-11591. [PDF]

*50. McRae, E.K.S., Davidson, D., Dupas, S., and McKenna, S.A. (2018) “Insights into the RNA quadruplex binding specificity of DDX21”. BBA General Subjects. 1862(2018): 1973-79. [PubMed]

*49. Dzananovic, E., McKenna, S.A., and Patel, T.R. (2018) “Viral proteins targeting host protein kinase R to evade an innate immune response: A mini review”. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews. 34(1):33-59. [PubMed]

*48. Meier, M., Moya-Torres, A., Krahn, N., McDougal, M., Patel, T.R., McRae, E.K.S, Booy, E.P., McKenna, S.A., and Stetefeld, J. (2018) "Structure and Hydrodynamics of a DNA G-Quadruplex with a Cytosine Bulge". Nucleic Acids Research. 46(10):5319-5331. [PDF]

47. Hipolit, J., Peretz-Soroka, H., Torres-Moya, A., Yang, K., Gupta, M., Meier, M., Booy, E.P., McKenna, S.A., Koch, M., Stetefeld, J., and Lin, F. (2018) “Microfluidic Devices for Studying the Effect of Netrin-1 on Neutrophil and Breast Cancer Cell Migration.” Advanced Biosystems. 2(4): 170178.

46. Krahn, N., Meier, M., To, V., Booy, E.P., McEleney, K., O’Neil, J., McKenna, S.A., Patel, T.R., Stetefeld, J. (2017) “Nanoscale assembly of high-mobility group AT-hook 2 protein with DNA replication fork.” Biophysical Journal. 113(12): 2609-2620.

*45. McRae, K.S.E., Booy, E.P., Padilla-Meier, G.P., and McKenna, S.A. (2017) “On characterizing the interactions between proteins and guanine quadruplex structures of nucleic acids”. Journal of Nucleic Acids. 2017(2017): 9675348.

*44. Dzananovic, E., Astha, Chojnowski, G., Deo, S., Booy, E.P., McEleney, K., Bujnicki, J., Patel, T.R., and McKenna, S.A. (2017) “Impact of the Structural Integrity of the three-way junction of adenovirus VAI RNA on PKR inhibition.” PLoS ONE. 12(10): e0186849.

*43. Booy E.P., McCrae E.K., Koul, A., Lin, F. and McKenna S.A. (2017) "The long non-coding RNA BC200 (BCYRN1) is critical for cancer cell survival and proliferation." Molecular Cancer. 16(1):109.

*42. McRae, E.K., Booy E.P., Moya-Torres, A., Ezzati, P., Stetefeld J. and McKenna S.A. (2017) "Human DDX21 binds and remodels RNA guanine quadruplexes." Nucleic Acids Research. 45(11): 6656-6668.

*41. Ariyo E.O., Booy E.P., Dzananovic E., McCrae E.K., Meier M., McEleney, K., Stetefeld J. and McKenna S.A. (2017) "Impact of G-quadruplex loop conformation in the PITX1 mRNA on protein or small molecule interaction." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 487(2):274-280.

*40. Patel, T.R., Astha, Chojnowksi, G., Koul, A., McKenna, S.A., and Bujnicki, J. (2017) “Structural studies of RNA-protein complexes: A hybrid approach involving hydrodynamics, scattering, and computational methods.” Methods. 118-119:146-162.

39. Jeng, S.C.Y., Chan, H.H.Y, Booy, E.P., McKenna, S.A., and Unrau, P.J. (2016) “Fluorophore ligand binding and complex stabilization of the RNA Mango and RNA Spinach aptamers.” RNA. 22:1884-1892.

38. Stetefeld, J., McKenna, S.A., and Patel, T.R. (2016) “Dynamic Light Scattering: a practical guide and applications in biomedical sciences.” Biophysical Reviews. 8(4): 409-427.

37. Rajagopalan, N., Nelson, K.M., Douglas, A.F., Jheengut, V., Alarcon, I.Q., McKenna, S.A., Abrams, S.R., and Loewen, M.C. (2016) “Abscisic acid analogs that act as universal or selective antagonists of phytohormone receptors.” Biochemistry. 55(36):5155-64.

36. To, V., Dzananovic, E., McKenna, S.A., O’Neil, J. (2015) “The dynamic landscape of full-length HIV-1 transactivator of transcription.” Biochemistry. 55(9):1314-25.

*35. Booy E.P., McCrae E.K., Howard R., Deo S.R., Ariyo E.O., Dzananovic E., Meier M., Stetefeld J. and McKenna S.A. (2016) "The RNA helicase RHAU (DHX36) interacts with the 3’ tail of the long non-coding RNA BC200 (BCYRN1)." Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291: 5355-5372.

34. Gorityala, B.K., Guchhait, G., Fernando, D., Deo, S., McKenna, S.A., Zhanel, G.G., Ayush Kumar, A., and Schweizer, F. (2016) “Hybrid antibiotics-based adjuvants overcome resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and enhance fluoroquinolone efficacy.” Angewandte Chemie. 55(2):555-559.

*33. Ariyo E.O., Booy E.P., Patel, T.R., Dzananovic E., McCrae E.K., Meier M., McEleney, K., Stetefeld J. and McKenna S.A. (2015) "Biophysical characterization of G-quadruplex recognition in the PITX1 mRNA by the specificity domain of the helicase RHAU." PLoS One. 10(12): e0144510.

*32. Deo, S., Patel, T.R., Koul, A., Dzananovic, E., Chojnowski, G., McEleney, Bujnicki, J.M., and McKenna, S.A. (2015) "Activation of 2' 5'-Oligoadenylate Synthetase by the 3'-Terminal Region and 3'-5'-Terminal Region RNA complex of the West Nile Virus Genome". Journal of Structural Biology. 19(2): 236-249
*31. Booy, E.P., McRae, E.K.S., and McKenna, S.A. (2015) “Biochemical characterization of G4 quadruplex telomerase RNA unwinding by the RNA helicase RHAU.” Methods in Molecular Biology. (Walker, J.M., Ed.). Humana Press. 1259: 125-35.

*30. Deo, S., Patel, T.R., Dzananovic, E., Booy, E.P., Zeid, K., McEleney, K., Harding, S.E., and McKenna, S.A. (2014) "Activation of 2' 5'-oligoadenylate synthetase by stem loops at the 5'-end of the West Nile virus genome". PLosOne. 9(3): e92545.

*29. Booy, E.P., Howard, R., Ariyo, E.O., Deo, S.R., Meier, M., Marushchak, O., Dzananovic, E., Stetefeld, J., and McKenna, S.A. (2014) “The RNA Helicase RHAU (DHX36) suppresses translation of PITX1 through quadruplex binding in the 3’ untranslated region of the messenger RNA.” Nucleic Acids Research. 42(5): 3346-3361.

28. Bacik, J-P., Tavassoli, M., Patel, T.R. McKenna, S.A., Khajehpour, M, and Mark, B.L. (2014) "Conformational itinerary of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1,6-Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase during substrate binding and catalysis". Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289(7):4504-14.

*27. Dzananovic, E., Patel, T.R., Chojnowski, G., Boniecki, M.J., Deo, S., McEleney, K., Harding, S.E., Bujnicki, J.M., and McKenna, S.A. (2014) "Solution Conformation of Adenovirus Associated RNA-I and its interaction with PKR". Journal of Structural Biology. 185(1):48-57.

*26. Meier, M., Patel, T.R., Booy, E.P., Maruschak, O., Okun, N., Deo, S., Howard, R., McEleney, K., Harding, S.E., Stetefeld, J., and McKenna, S.A. (2013) "Binding of G-quadruplexes to the N-terminal Recognition Domain of the RNA Helicase Associated with AU-rich Element (RHAU)". Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288(49):35014-27.

*25. Dzananovic, E., Patel, T.R., Deo, S., McEleney, K., Stetefeld, J., and McKenna, S.A. (2013) "Recognition of Viral RNA Stem Loops by the Tandem Double-Stranded RNA Binding Domains of PKR". RNA. 19(3): 333-344.

*24. Meng, H., Deo, S., Xiong, S., Dzananovic, E., Donald, L.J., van Dijk, C.W., and McKenna, S.A. (2012) “Regulation of the interferon inducible 2’-5’-oligoadenylate synthetases by adenovirus VAI RNA.” Journal of Molecular Biology. 422: 635-649.

*23. Booy, E.P., Meier, M., Okun, N., Novakowski, S.K., Xiong, S., Stetefeld, J., and McKenna, S.A. (2012) “The RNA helicase RHAU (DHX36) unwinds a G4 quadruplex in human telomerase RNA and promotes the formation of the P1 helix template boundary.” Nucleic Acids Research. 40(9): 4011-4024.

*22. Booy, E.P., Meng, H., and McKenna, S.A. (2011) “Native RNA Purification by Gel Filtration Chromatography.” Methods in Molecular Biology. (Walker, J.M., Ed.). Humana Press. 941: 69-82.

*21. Mark, B. McKenna, S.A, and Khajehpour, M. (2011) “The Biochemical Basis: Protein structural analysis.” Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition 1: 139-153. (Moo-Young, M., Ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Postdoctoral Work

20. Elazar, M., Liu, M., McKenna, S.A, Liu, P., Gehrig, E., Puglisi, J.D., Rossignol, J-F., and Glenn, J.S. (2009) “The Anti-Hepatitis C Agent Nitazoxanide induces phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 via protein kinase activated by double-stranded RNA". Gastroenterology. 137:1827-1835.

19. Shimoike, T., McKenna, S.A, Lindhout, D.A., and Puglisi, J.D. (2009) “Translational insensitivity to potent activation of PKR by HCV IRES." Antiviral Research. 83: 228-237.

18. McKenna, S.A, Kim, I., Viani Puglisi, E., Lindhout, D.A., Aitken, C.E., Marshall, R.A., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Purification and characterization of transcribed RNAs using fast performance liquid chromatography.” Nature Protocols. 2(12): 3270-3277.

17. McKenna, S.A, Lindhout, D.A., Aitken, C.E., Shimoike, T., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Viral dsRNA inhibitors prevent self-association and autophosphorylation of PKR.” Journal of Molecular Biology. 372(1): 101-113.

16. Lindhout, D.A., McKenna, S.A., Aitken, C.E., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “NMR and protein kinases: Understanding double stranded RNA-dependent Protein Kinase.” Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 51(3): 199-215.

15. McKenna, S.A, Lindhout, D.A., Kim, I., Liu, C.W., Gelev, V.M., Wagner, G., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Molecular framework for the activation of PKR.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282(15):11474-86. Awarded Paper of the Week.

14. McKenna, S.A., Lindhout, D.A., Shimoike, T., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Biophysical and biochemical investigations of dsRNA-activated kinase PKR.” Translation Initiation: Reconstituted Systems and Biophysical Methods. Methods in Enzymology. Volume 430, Chapter 14. Edited by Jon Lorsch.

13. McKenna, S.A, Lindhout, D.A., Aitken, C.E., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Molecular insights into PKR activation by viral double-stranded RNA.” Structure and Biophysics - New Technologies for current Challenges in Biology and Beyond. Chapter 8; 93-104. Springer Publishing, New York, New York.

12. Kim, I., McKenna, S.A., Viani Puglisi, E., and Puglisi, J.D. (2007) “Rapid purification of RNA oligonucleotides using Fast Performance Liquid Chromatography system.” RNA. 13(2): 289-294.

Ph. D. Work

11. McKenna, S.A, Kim, I., Liu, C., and Puglisi, J.D. (2006) “Uncoupling of RNA binding and PKR kinase activation by viral inhibitors.” Journal of Molecular Biology. 358(5): 1270-1285.

10. Ptak, C., Varelas, X., Moraes, T., McKenna, S.A., and Ellison, M.J. (2005) “Purification and properties of the ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Cdc34 and Ubc13•Mms2.” Ubiquitin and Protein Degradation, Part A. Methods in Enzymology. 398, Chapter 5: 43-54.

9. Andersen, P., Zhou, H., Pastushok, L., Moraes, T., McKenna, S.A., Ziola, B., Ellison, M.J., Dixit, V.M, and Xiao, W. (2005) “Distinct regulation of Ubc13 functions by two Uev proteins Mms2 and Uev1a.” Journal of Cell Biology. 170: 745-755.

8. McKenna, S.A., Hu, J., Moraes, T., Xiao, W., Ellison, M.J., and Spyracopoulos, L. (2003) “Energetics and specificity of interactions within Ub•Uev•Ubc13 human ubiquitin conjugation complexes.” Biochemistry. 42: 7922-7930.

7. McKenna, S.A., Moraes, T.F., Xiao, W., Ptak, C., Spyracopoulos, L., and Ellison, M.J. (2003) “An NMR based model of the ubiquitin-bound human ubiquitin conjugation complex Mms2/Ubc13: The structural basis for lysine 63 chain catalysis.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 13151-13158.

6. Ashley, C., Pastushok, L., McKenna, S., Ellison, M.J., and Xiao, W. (2001) “Roles of mouse Ubc13 in DNA postreplicative repair and Lys63-linked ubiquitination.” Gene. 285: 183-191.

5. McKenna, S.A., Spyracopoulos, L., Moraes, T., Pastushok, L., Ptak, C., Xiao, W., and Ellison, M.J. (2001) “Non-covalent interaction between ubiquitin and the human DNA repair protein Mms2 is required for Ubc13-mediated polyubiquitination.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276: 40120-40126.

4. Hamilton, K.S., Ellison, M.J., Barber, K.R., Williams, R.S., Huzil, J.T., McKenna, S.A., Ptak, C., Glover, M.J.N., and Shaw, G.S. (2001) “Structure of a conjugating enzyme-ubiquitin thiolester intermediate reveals a novel role for the ubiquitin tail.” Structure. 9: 897-904.

3. Moraes, T.F., Edwards, R.A, McKenna, S.A., Pastushok, L., Xiao, W., Glover, M.J.N., and Ellison, M.J. (2001) “Crystal structure of the human ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex, hMms2-hUbc13.” Nature Structural Biology 8: 669-673.

Undergraduate Work

2. Barrette, I.H., McKenna, S.A., Taylor, D.R., Forsdyke, D.R. (2001) “Introns resolve the conflict between base order-dependent stem-loop potential and the encoding of RNA or protein: further evidence from overlapping genes.” Gene. 270: 181-189.

1. Lee, D.L., Chen, J., Wagschal, K.C., McKenna, S.A., Harland, B., Mant, C.T., and Hodges, R.S. (2000) “Effect of D-amino acid substitutions on amphipathic alpha-helical structure.” Peptides for the New Millenium: Proceedings of the 16th American Peptide Symposium. (Fields, G.B., Tam, J.P, and Barany, G., Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Nethrlands.