LABORATORY Cancer Research in Genome Stability
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We are located within the Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute CancerCare Manitoba at CancerCare Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


We are also members of the Department of Biochemistry & Medical Genetics in the Max Rady College of Medicine within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba.

We are currently looking for graduate students (MSc or PhD) who have a keen interest in research. Although experience isn't essential, it would be an asset. Individuals seeking post-doctoral training are also encouraged to apply.

Please contact Dr. Kirk McManus to inquire about a potential position.


September 2024 - We welcome Emerson, who is a new MSc student joining us from Brazil.

July 2024 - We thank NSERC for awarding our team a Discovery Grant to investigate the impact ubiquitin homeostasis has on chromosome stability in humans.

June 2024 - Pleased to share that Ally received the Distinguished MSc Dissertation Thesis Prize.

June 2024 - We welcome Demi back to our team as a BSc Medicine student.

June 2024 - Contrats to Kailee for being awarded the Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute CancerCare Manitoba Major Student Research Award!

May 2024 - Huge congratulations go out to Stephanie for receing a Bronze Medal at the Canada-wide Science Fair 2024!

May 2024 - We welcome Nicole Capri and Nicole Gerber as new MSc students in the lab. Best wishes for successful programs!

April 2024 - So proud of Stephanie for her Gold Medal poster presentation at the Manitoba Schools Science Symposium.

January 2024 - We welcome Gloria to the lab. She is a Research Associate shared with the Haigh lab and is working on collaborative projects.

January 2024 - We welcome Nicole N. as a new technician in the lab.

Sept 2023 - We re-welcome Ally & Rubi as technicians with the team! Good things to come!

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