Full package name: mesquite.charMatrices.AddDeleteData.AddDeleteData Duty: INIT Assistant for Data Window (mesquite.lib.duties.DataWindowAssistantI)
Module Explanation
Adds and deletes characters and taxa in a Character Matrix editor. This can be done through the Add characters..., Add taxa..., and Delete Selected menu items and via the tools that add taxa and characters where touched.
Author(s): Wayne P. Maddison and David R. Maddison
Version 3.70
Commands of Add/Delete Data
Explanation: Adds characters to data matrix
Parameters: [Character # before which new character are to be added] [row on which touched] [how many new characters]
Explanation: Adds taxa to block of taxa
Parameters: [column on which touched] [Taxon # before which new taxa are to be added] [how many new taxa]
Explanation: Appends new character to end of matrix
Parameters: [How many to add]
Explanation: Appends new taxa to end of block of taxa