The following modules are currently available. Links are given to the module's manual, if one is available, and to a listing of commands the module understands. (This list is updated every time Mesquite is run.)
This is the central module for the Mesquite system. In it is the main method that starts up the Mesquite application. This module loads information for all of the other modules, and hires FileCoordinator modules as needed to deal with open files. Thus, in the tree of employees that active modules make, this module is at its root.
Supplies a user-specified model of character evolution, for parsimony calculations, stored in the file. This can be different from the model assigned to the character as current in the List of Characters window.
Supplies trees directly from a file, without bringing the contained tree block entirely into memory. This is a special purpose module designed to allow much larger blocks of trees to be used within constraints of memory, but will make some calculations slower. Except for this special use, we recommend you use Include or Link from the file menu to access external tree files. This module does NOT copy the trees into your main data file, and so if you save your main data file then move it or the tree file, the data file will no longer be able to find the trees. This module does not know how many trees are in the file, and hence may attempt to read files beyond the number in the file.
Supplies a fixed number of randomly-sampled trees directly from a file, without bringing the contained tree block entirely into memory. This allows much larger blocks of trees to be used within constraints of memory, but will make some calculations slower. This module does not know how many trees are in the file, and hence may attempt to read files beyond the number in the file.
Concatenates two tree sources to yield a tree source first supplying trees from one source, then supplying trees from another. The trees are marked with values 1 and 2 to indicate the source.
Modifies each of a series of trees by random changes; the i'th tree from this module comes by modifying the i'th tree from the original source of trees.
Coordinates the reading, maintenance and linkages of files, which include Taxa, Trees, CharacterData, and other objects. This module is hired directly by the Mesquite trunk module.
Exports a .phy file containing your data prepared for PartitionFinderProtein and creates a .cfg file.
Export NEXUS Tree File from Tree Source Information
Exports NEXUS file with a tree block, and optionally a taxa block, based upon a source of trees. One major advantage of this is that it allows a collection of trees to a file without having them all in memory at once. For example, if the Tree Source is "Transform Trees From Other Source", and the other source is "Use Trees from Separate NEXUS file", then Mesquite will read in a tree from the other NEXUS file, transform the tree, and wrte it to the file, one at a tme.
Imports and exports simple matrices that consist of basic geographic data. The first character must be the latitude, and the second character the longitude.
Imports and exports Phylip matrices that consist of basic categorical data with just two states. Exported data will consist of default symbols (0 and 1).
Coordinates the calculation of a value for the clade of selected terminal taxa. If no terminal taxa are selected, the value at the root is given. If the selected taxa do not make a clade, no answer is returned.
Value for Node Selected In Current Tree Information
Coordinates the calculation of a value for a node selected in a current tree. If no node or more than one node is selected in current tree, no result is returned. If the assessed tree does not share the same clade of the selected node, no answer is returned.
Calculates the average path length (in branch length) from terminals to the root, treating unassigned lengths as 0. The length of the root is not counted.
Counts W. Maddison's (1997) number of extra gene lineages ("deep coalescences") for species tree containing a series of gene trees. The gene trees must be represented by a single taxa block.
Calculates a number relating one tree to another in a sequence (e.g., a tree-to-tree distance metric), such that the i'th tree is compared to the i'th other tree in the sequence.
Calculates the test statistic for the likelihood ratio test comparing the asymmetrical and one parameter models [2ln(L(Asymm.)/L(Mk1)], on a tree for a given character.
Uses maximum likelihood to estmate the rates of forward and backward changes (0 to 1 and 1 to 0 changes respectively), or alternatively the overall rate and the bias in gains versus losses, using the AsymmMk model on a tree for a given character.
Estimates the rate of a character's evolution under the simple Mk1 model.
Duty performed: Number for Character and Tree (Diversification)
BiSSE Speciation/Extinction Likelihood Information
Calculates likelihood with a tree of a species diversification model whose speciation and extinction rates depend on the state of a binary character (BiSSE model, Maddison, Midford & Otto, 2007).
Calculates likelihood with a tree of a species diversification model whose rates (r = spec. - ext.; a = spec./ext.) depend on the state of a binary character (BiSSE model, Maddison, Midford & Otto, 2007).
Compares sister clades and returns the P value of the one-tailed null hypothesis that uniform clades of state 1 are smaller than uniform clades of state 0 among those with different values (P value calculated by Binomial probability).
Calculates distance between a specific pair of taxa based on a character matrix. Differs from Distance Between Taxa in thatit performs calculation for only a single pair of taxa.
Calculates, for each clade in the tree, the frequency of that split among the trees in a specified tree source, or the frequency of the contradictory clade with the highest frequency, or the difference.
Duty performed: Numbers for Nodes of Tree using a matrix
Supplies a reconstruction of continuous-valued ancestral states on a tree. Differs from the basic reconstruction methods in that it supplies simply numbers for nodes, instead of a CharacterHistory
Supplies a tool for tree windows to set node age constraints. A short text string summarizes constraints. E.g. to say minimum age is 2.0, enter "2.0+". To say range is 2.0 to 4.0, enter "2.0-4.0". To say maximum is 4.0, enter "0.0-4.0". To say age is exactly 3.0, enter "3.0"
Presents a tool by which you can touch on a tree; a tree block is made consisting of trees representing all rerootings of the clade of the node touched.
Summarizes at each node reconstructions of the states of a character over a series of trees. The summary is shown on the current tree; if you want to show it on a consensus of the trees, make sure that the current tree is that consensus.
Duty performed: Analysis Assistant for Tree Display (Allows multiple)
Performs pairwise comparison character correlation tests. Phylogenetically independent pairs are chosen, and the states of two binary characters are compared to see if they are correlated among these pairs.
Duty performed: Assistant for Tree Window (Other Analysis)
Summarize Changes In Selected Clade Over Trees Information
Summarizes reconstructions of state changes of a character on descendants of selected branch, over a series of trees. The branches defined are those that are the descendants of the single branch selected on the tree in the tree window.
Selects cells of the matrix according to whether their distribution of states across taxa in a character is the same as that in the selected character or block of cells
Selects ends of a DNA sequence up to the first block of N sites in a row with uppercase (confident) symbols (the user chooses N). Assuming that lowercase letters are used for less certain base calls, this can be used to select and then trim (by painting with gaps) poorly-sequenced terminal regions.
Adds and deletes characters and taxa in a Character Matrix editor. This can be done through the Add characters..., Add taxa..., and Delete Selected menu items and via the tools that add taxa and characters where touched.
Provides a tool with which to quickly enter data. If this tool is active, then typing a key will cause that value to be entered into all selected cells.
Supplies an alignment tool that can be used on a set of sequences. Sequences dropped by this tool on another sequence will be aligned to that other sequence (pairwise).
Shift Dragged Sequence To Dropped Sequence Information
Supplies a tool that can be used on a set of sequences. Sequences dragged by this tool and dropped onto another sequence will be shifted to that other sequence (pairwise).
Colors the cells of a character matrix blue if they match the first taxon, yellow if different, grey if cell or first taxon has missing or inapplicable data.
A module that displays character states on tree using labels. This is a display-only module, and would be hired by another module that organizes assigning states to the nodes.
Renames the taxa based upon chosen columns in a tab-delimited text file, using OTU IDs or curent taxon names to find the relevant row within that file.
Fills cells with a randomly-chosen state. For DNA data, states A, C, G, and T are chosen with equal probability; for other data, states up to and including the maximum state value are chosen with equal probability.
This will adjust sequences according to the option chosen (e.g., by reverse complementing, aligning the matrix, and then adjusting the codon postions).
Reports the Alignment Score for a taxon in a data matrix. The score for each taxon is the cost of aligning that taxon's sequence against the reference taxon using Mesquite's default pairwise aligner. Lower scores mean a better alignment.
Reports the Alignment Score / Reverse Complement Alignment Score for a taxon in a data matrix. The score for each taxon is the cost of aligning that taxon's sequence against the reference taxon using Mesquite's default pairwise aligner, divided by the score for aligning the reverse complement of the sequence against the reference. Scores greater than one mean that alignment is better if one of the sequences is reverse complemented .
Calculates for each taxon the degree to which its implied unweighted patristic distances between that taxon and others differs among trees. For each taxon i this sums over all tree pairs x and y and over all other taxa j: | Dijx - Dijy |/(Dijx + Dijy)^^z where Dijq is the distance between taxa i and j on tree q. Close relationships are emphasized if the exponent z is higher (default is 2).
Supplies character matrices that are altered from an existing matrix.
Concatenate Respective Matrices from Two Sources Information
Supplies matrices by concatenating respective matrices from two sources. The i'th matrix supplied is the concatenation of the i'th matrix from each of the two sources. Assumptions like weights and character models are NOT transferred. For categorical data, state names are not included. For continuous data, new items may need to be created to accommodate differences in items between the matrices.
Condenses a categorical matrix to one having exactly one character of each pattern with that character weighted by the number of copies of that pattern in the original matrix.
Supplies character matrices that are randomly modified from a series of existing matrices. The i'th modified matrix is derived from the i'th original matrix.
Coordinates the supply of matrices to other modules. It acts independently, in that it decides what matrix to supply (e.g., by presenting an interface to choose).
Duty performed: Obedient Character Matrix Source Coordinator
Coordinates the supply of matrices to other modules. It acts obediently, in that it does not present an interface to choose which matrix, but relies on employer to decide.
Concatenates matrix onto one in data editor. Assumptions like weights and character models are NOT transferred. For categorical data, state names are not included. For continuous data, new items may need to be created to accommodate differences in items between the matrices.
Bins the selected continuous characters to discretize them into categorical characters (ordered if more than two states), and adds them to an existing categorical matrix. If the continuous matrix is multi-item, only the first item is used.
With State Distinguishing Selected Taxa Information
Selects characters that have a character state that is unique to and uniform in the selected taxa, as possible synapomorphic or diagnostic states for the set of taxa.
Calculates and shows percentile boundaries. Finds the upper (right) or lower (left) tail of the distribution that contains the specified percentage of the distribution. If there is not a boundary that exactly matches the specified percentage, then the closest boundary that does not exceed the percentage is shown.
Coordinates reconstruction of ancestral states by maximum likelihood. Currently each node is estimated independently (i.e., corresponding to PAUP's marginal reconstruction).
Stochastic Character Mapping (Categorical) Information
Coordinates reconstruction of ancestral states using stochastic character mapping.
Duty performed: Ancestral states for parsimony model
Reconstructs the ancestral states of continuous characters so as to minimize the sum of absolute values of changes (linear, Wagner, Farris or Manhattan parsimony). If the continuous character has multiple items, then length is reported on only the first item.
Reconstructs the ancestral states of categorical characters using parsimony, under the assumption that states are ordered (ordered, Farris or Wagner parsimony; additive). Also counts parsimony steps.
Reconstructs the ancestral states of continuous characters so as to minimize the sum of squared changes (squared-change or least squares parsimony; Brownian motion likelihood).
Reconstructs the ancestral states of categorical characters using parsimony, under the assumption that states are unordered (unordered or Fitch parsimony; nonadditive). Also counts parsimony steps.
Reconstructs the ancestral states of mersitic characters so as to minimize the sum of absolute values of changes (linear, Wagner, Farris or Manhattan parsimony). If the meristic character has multiple items, then length is reported on only the first item.
Grafts a tree in a tree window onto given tree; requires that the other tree includes none of the same terminal taxa. If a taxon in receiving tree is selected, graft occurs there; otherwise, graft occurs at root.
Root tree with selected taxa as outgroup Information
Roots the tree between the selected taxa and the remainder, if possible.
Adjusts a tree's branch lengths so that the distances among terminal taxa are ultrametric (i.e. like a molecular clock, all tips reaching to same level). This is not done with any sophisticated smoothing algorithm; rather, branches are just stretched until they reach to same level.
Branch Lengths from current, reinterpreted as Divergence Times Information
Reassigns branch lengths under the assumption that currently assigned branch lengths are actually divergence times.
Counts the number of trees in a tree block that match a user-specified criterion. For example, it could count the number of trees in a tree block which are congruent with a particular tree topology (by selecting the "Tree Congruent with Specified Tree Topology" module in the Criterion for Trees dialog).
For each taxon, calculates the length of the terminal branch on the tree, if present. If a taxon is a descendant of a dichotomous root in a tree with more than 2 taxa, then the length of the other descendant is also added in. .
Generates trees randomly so that each possible labelled tree topology is equally likely.
Coalescence in Current Tree with Migration Information
Generates tree by a simple coalescence model of a neutral gene with constant population size, within a current species tree from a Tree window or other tree context. Branch lengths are assigned according to generation of coalescence. The default population size is 10000. The species tree used is a current tree found in a Tree Window or other tree context. Migration is allowed; the default probability is 0.00001 per individual generation. Migration can be isolated to a particular generation, or spread throughout the depth of the species/population history.
Generates tree by coalescence within a single panmictic population.
Coalescence Contained within Current Tree Information
Generates tree by a simple coalescence model of a neutral gene with constant population size, within a current species tree from a Tree window or other tree context. Branch lengths are assigned according to generation of coalescence.The species tree used is a current tree found in a Tree Window or other tree context.
A module that displays numbers at tree nodes using labels. This is a display-only module, and would be hired by another module that organizes assigning numbers to the nodes.
Provides facilities to coordinate the simulation of data and generate batch files for replicated analyses.
Duty performed: Contained Tree Simulation
Coalescence Simulated within Current Tree Information
Generates tree by a simple coalescence model of a neutral gene with constant population size, within species trees. Branch lengths are assigned according to generation of coalescence.The species tree used is a current tree found in a Tree Window or other tree context.
Performs neutral coalescence within a population by a simple model of a neutral gene with constant population size.Remembers a tree of nodes, with branch lengths assigned according to generation of coalescence. The default population size is 10000.
Duty performed: Reconstructs a taxon association history
Reconstructs a contained tree within a containing tree so as to minimize the amount of deep coalescence (failure of lineage sorting). The contained tree is assumed to be rooted.
Distances among taxa implied by path-length distance along branches of tree from one taxon to another (Patristic distances). Unassigned branches are treated as of length 1.0.
Shared History Distances (Covariance matrix) from Tree Information
Distances among taxa implied by length of shared history (distance from root to most recent ancestor). This is the most common Covariance/Variance matrix used in GLS methods. Unassigned branches are treated as of length 1.0.
Shared Proportion Distances implied by Tree Information
Distances among taxa implied by proportion of total branchlength (root to tip) that is shared (Shared Proportion distances). Unassigned branches are treated as of length 1.0.
Calculates and provides utilities for distances matrices.
Duty performed:
BiSSE Speciation/Extinction Likelihood Calculator Information
Calculates likelihood with a tree of a species diversification model whose speciation and extinction rates depend on the state of a binary character (BiSSE model, Maddison, Midford & Otto, 2007).
Generates tree by a speciation/extinction model in which a character controls rates of speciation/extinction. Time to next event drawn from negative exponential distribution.
Evolving Speciation Rate (Continuous Character) Information
Generates tree by a speciation model in which the speciation rate evolves by a Brownian motion model.
Duty performed:
BiSSE Net Diversification Likelihood (Calculator) Information
Calculates likelihood with a tree of a species diversification model whose rates (r = spec. - ext.; a = spec./ext.) depend on the state of a binary character (BiSSE model, Maddison, Midford & Otto, 2007).
Duty performed:
Speciation/extinction Likelihood Calculator Information
Calculates likelihoods using a speciation/extinction model reduced from the BiSSE model (Maddison, Midford & Otto 2007)
Returns hydrophobicity of amino acid using the scale of Kyte, J & R.F. Doolittle (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 157:105-142. Numbers from
Finds the first occurrence of the sequence in the text area below the matrix, within a designated taxon, and maintains that match as the text area changes.
Chooses taxon pairings regardless of contrast in a character, so as to maximize the number of pairs that are phylogenetically independent.
Pairs Contrasting in State of One Character Information
Chooses taxon pairings so as to maximize the number of pairs that are phylogenetically independent, subject to the constraint that each pair shows a contrast the states of a binary character.
Pairs Contrasting in State of Two Characters Information
Chooses taxon pairings so as to maximize the number of pairs that are phylogenetically independent, subject to the constraint that each pair shows a contrast the states of both of two binary characters.
Duty performed: Introduces a package
Pairwise Comparisons Package Introduction Information
Performs pairwise comparisons character correlation analyses.
Augments tree by random placement of excluded taxa. There are three modes: adding only to original branches, ignoring lengths; adding to any branch, considering branch length; adding to any branch, ignoring branch length. With lengths considered, probability of placing taxon on a branch is proportional to the branch's length.
Adds noise to branch lengths of tree. Noise is Normally distributed, with variance as selected. By default the variance is be proportional to current branch length, so that if branch length is 10 and you've indicated a variance multiplier of 0.1, the noise added will have a variance of 1.0. Negative branch lengths are not allowed, and are changed to zero.
Randomly resolves polytomies in tree. All possible resolutions are equiprobable. Thus, if the tree is a polytomous bush, the resulting resolved trees will be distributed equivalently to that from the Equiprobable Trees module.
Randomly rearranges the immediate descendants of each node; thus, it does not change the topology, just its appearance.
Duty performed: Distance between Two Trees
Average Difference of Values Associated with Nodes Information
Calculates the average differences in values associated with nodes across those clades shared between two trees (excludes the clade consisting of all taxa).
Calculates the product moment correlation coefficient among the off-diagonal elements of the patristic distances matrices of two trees. Ignores unassigned and negative values in the matrices. If employed as a distance, converts scores from 1 to -1 to scores from 0 to 2
Calculates the number of shared partitions between two trees. If used as a distance, then converted by subtracting shared partitions from the maximum possible, i.e. the number of partitions in the subtree of shared taxa in the tree with the most partitions.
This will copy a tree in Newick format to the clipboard ready to be uploaded into Open Tree ( It will optionally convert node values such as consensus frequences as branch lengths (as that is one way Open Tree imports support values for branches).