Module: Coalescence in Current Tree with Migration
Full package name: mesquite.coalesce.CoalescenceWMigration.CoalescenceWMigration Duty: Tree Simulate (mesquite.lib.duties.TreeSimulate)
Module Explanation
Generates tree by a simple coalescence model of a neutral gene with constant population size, within a current species tree from a Tree window or other tree context. Branch lengths are assigned according to generation of coalescence. The default population size is 10000. The species tree used is a current tree found in a Tree Window or other tree context. Migration is allowed; the default probability is 0.00001 per individual generation. Migration can be isolated to a particular generation, or spread throughout the depth of the species/population history.
Author(s): Wayne P. Maddison and David R. Maddison
Version 3.70
Commands of Coalescence in Current Tree with Migration
Explanation: Sets the effective population size for coalescence simulations
Parameters: [effective population size]
Explanation: Sets the moment at which migration occurs (-1 if not a single moment)
Parameters: [generations before present]
Explanation: Sets the migration rate for coalescence simulations
Parameters: [probability of migration per individual per generation]
Explanation: Sets coalescence parameters by GUI
Explanation: Returns the species tree being used for Contained With Migration
Explanation: Returns the containing tree context
Explanation: Returns the module supplying associations