Full package name: mesquite.io.ExportTreeSourceToNEXUS.ExportTreeSourceToNEXUS Duty: File Interpreter (mesquite.lib.duties.FileInterpreterI)
Module Explanation
Exports NEXUS file with a tree block, and optionally a taxa block, based upon a source of trees. One major advantage of this is that it allows a collection of trees to a file without having them all in memory at once. For example, if the Tree Source is "Transform Trees From Other Source", and the other source is "Use Trees from Separate NEXUS file", then Mesquite will read in a tree from the other NEXUS file, transform the tree, and wrte it to the file, one at a tme.
Author(s): Wayne P. Maddison and David R. Maddison
Version 3.70
Commands of Export NEXUS Tree File from Tree Source