Full package name: mesquite.treefarm.TerminalInstability.TerminalInstability Duty: Number for Taxon (mesquite.lib.duties.NumberForTaxon)
Module Explanation
Calculates for each taxon the degree to which its implied unweighted patristic distances between that taxon and others differs among trees. For each taxon i this sums over all tree pairs x and y and over all other taxa j: | Dijx - Dijy |/(Dijx + Dijy)^^z where Dijq is the distance between taxa i and j on tree q. Close relationships are emphasized if the exponent z is higher (default is 2).
Author(s): Wayne P. Maddison and David R. Maddison
Version 3.70
Commands of Taxon Instability Among Trees
Explanation: Sets the exponent used in the denominator of the instability calculations
Parameters: [number]
Explanation: Sets the source of trees for comparison
Parameters: [name of module]
Explanation: Sets the number of trees
Parameters: [number]
Explanation: Sets whether trees are skipped (every nth tree compared)