Full package name: mesquite.ancstates.TraceAllCharacters.TraceAllCharacters Duty: Analysis Assistant for Tree Display (mesquite.lib.duties.TreeDisplayAssistantA)
Module Explanation
Summarizes for each node the reconstructions of the states at all characters of the tree.
Author(s): Wayne P. Maddison and David R. Maddison
Version 3.70
Commands of Trace All Characters
Explanation: Undoes suppression of calculations when scripting
Explanation: Sets whether to show states only for selected nodes
Parameters: [on or off]
Explanation: Sets whether to show states only for selected characters
Parameters: [on or off]
Explanation: Sets whether to show states for terminal nodes
Parameters: [on or off]
Explanation: Sets whether to show states with rows = nodes and columns = characters, or the reverse