Class Summary |
AboutDialog |
This is the about dialog box for the program. |
AnalysisView |
This class is responsible for displaying methods to analyze a gel
and the results of the analysis. |
Bar |
This class will provide a panel that automatically includes lines seperating
it on the top and bottom. |
BarGraph |
This class will draw a graph given a set of lanes and an area in those
lanes. |
BinDialog |
This is a dialog box that shows a list of bins. |
ButtonBar |
This class extends the bar class and adds four buttons to a bar. |
ControlBar |
This class displays buttons on a panel. |
CutoffDialog |
This dialog box will display a cutoff. |
CutoffSlider |
This class provides a way to manipulate a cutoff with the mouse. |
EntryDialog |
This is a dialog that can be used to have the user enter a value. |
FragmentMap |
This is the main GenoGrapher program window. |
GelView |
Displays the gel as an image and provides the methods used to allow
user interaction with the gel, such as placing bins and zooming. |
Graph |
This abstract class provides a way for other parts of the program to
draw graphs easily. |
GraphView |
Displays a graph of a bin. |
ImgButton |
A button with an image on it. |
MultiFileDialog |
This class allows the user to select multiple files. |
OptionDialog |
This class will display options in a dialog box. |
ScatterGraph |
This class provides a way to draw a graph on a graphics object. |
TextPrinter |
This class will take a printjob and a string and print that string
to the printer, wrapping lines that are to long and moving to a new
page when neccessary. |
Thumbnail |
This class displays thumbnails for a bin. |
TraceView |
Displays the trace of a lane. |