- Rob CurrieProfessor / rob.currie@umanitoba.ca
Education: Ph.D. University of Manitoba
Research interests: Management of varroa mites; Epidemiology of bee viruses and pathogens; Physiological, ecological, and behavioural studies of native and managed pollinators
- Megan Colwell
Thesis project: The potential role of comb wax in honey bee virus epidemiology
Research Interests: Honey bee health; Honey Bee pathogens and parasites; Disease vectoring
- Derek MicholsonM.Sc. student / Linkedin / derek.micholson@gmail.com
Thesis project: Mechanisms of grooming behavior in European honey bees (Apis mellifera) and the control of Varroa destructor
Research Interests: Varroa mites; Bee grooming behavior; Social immunity; Honey bee communication; Queen breeding for disease resistance; Acaricide trials
- Rosanna PunkoM.Sc. student / Linkedin / rnpunko@gmail.com
Thesis project: Nosema epidemiology and control in honey bees (Apis mellifera) under Canadian Prairie conditions
Research Interests: Integrated Pest Management; Parasitology
- Zoe RempelResearch Technician / zdlremp@gmail.com
- Jordan JanisseResearch Technician / janisse.jordan@gmail.com
- Lisa BabeyResearch Technician / Lisa.Babey@umanitoba.ca
- Graham Parsons
Thesis project: Factors Affecting the Overwintering Dynamics and Structure of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Populations
Research Interests: Apiculture; Honey bees; Varroa mites; Parasitism; Disease control; Physiology
- Cole Robson-HyskaFormer M.Sc. student
Thesis project: Detection of pathogen spillover between managed honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and native pollinators (Bombus spp.) through quantification of RNA viruses
Research interests: Parasitology, particularly manipulative parasites; Animal behaviour; Bee viruses
Lab members