
Undergraduate courses

Pollination Biology - ENTM 4320

The biology, ecology of social, semisocial and solitary insect pollinators and their ecological interactions with entomophilous plants. Course offered during the fall term of odd years. Next offered in Fall 2017.

Pollination Biology Syllabus

Physiological Ecology of Insects - ENTM 4520

Examines the effects of environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, light and other organisms on the physiology and ecology of insects. Prerequisite: ENTM 2050 (or 038.205) or consent of instructor. Course offered during the winter term in even years.

Physiological ecology of insects Syllabus

World of Bugs - ENTM 1000

A survey of insect biology and life styles with emphasis on insect diversity and human-insect interactions. Course offered in the winter term.

World of bugs Syllabus

Graduate courses

Advances in the Physiological Ecology of Insects - ENTM 7240

Examines the effects environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, light and other organisms on the physiology and ecology of insects. Prerequisite: ENTM 2050 (or 038.205) or consent of instructor. Not to be held for credit with ENTM 4520 (or 038.452). Course offered during the winter term in even years.

Advances in the Physiological Ecology of Insects Syllabus

Courses available to the public and diploma students

Beekeeping for the Hobbyist

Honey bees can be managed with ease by urban people. Besides the honey and bees wax they produce, and their value as pollinators of various crops, their highly developed social organization provides fascinating material for study.

This series of lectures and demonstrations will deal with the nature of beekeeping; the life history, anatomy, and social behaviour of bees; economics; how to manage colonies of bees; equipment and site selection; pollen and nectar producing plants, nectar flows; seasonal management ; pests, parasites diseases and their control; regulations; honey houses; extracting equipment; grading and marketing honey and beeswax.

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