
Inside The University


  • Canadian Association of Geographers Member, including the Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Study Group
  • Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Newsletter Editor
  • Prairie Perspectives - PCAG 2005 issue Guest Editor - Human Geography
  • Provost's Working Group: Graduate Specialization in Aging
  • Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources Awards Committee
  • Department of Environment and Geography Revitalization Team


  • Canadian Association of Geographers Member, including the Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Study Group
  • Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Newsletter Editor
  • Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (PCAG) Member-at-Large for University of Manitoba
  • Prairie Perspectives - PCAG 2005 issue Guest Editor - Human Geography
  • Provost's Working Group: Graduate Specialization in Aging
  • Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources Awards Committee
  • Acted as a reviewer for:
    • Health & Place
    • Journal of Rural and Community Development


  • Canadian Association of Geographers Member, including the Rural Geography and Canadian Women and Geography Study Groups.
  • Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Newsletter Editor
  • Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (PCAG) Member-at-Large for University of Manitoba
  • Mauro Centre Interdisciplinary Working Group on Gender, Conflict and Peacemaking
  • Faculty of Environment Strategic Planning Committee
  • Faculty of Environment Human Rights Committee
  • Faculty of Environment Awards Committee
  • Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology Hiring Committee - Health Sociology
  • University College Executive Committee
  • Department of Environment and Geography – Human Geography Program Director
  • Acted as a reviewer for:
    • Pearson Education (publishers) Canadian Regional Geography textbook proposal
    • The Canadian Geographer
    • Health & Place


  • Canadian Association of Geographers Member, including the Rural Geography and Canadian Women and Geography Study Groups.
  • Canadian Women and Geography (CWAG) Newsletter Editor
    Advisory Committee, Provost Selection for University College, University of Manitoba
  • University of Manitoba Faculty Association Status of Women Committee
  • Faculty of Environment Student Awards Committee
  • Strategic Initiatives Process (SIP), Department of Environment & Geography
  • Department of Environment and Geography Advisory Committee
  • Department of Environment and Geography By-Laws Committee
  • Acted as referee for the following journals:
    • The Canadian Geographer
    • The Canadian Journal on Aging
    • Gender, Place & Culture


  • Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (P-CAG) Member-at-Large, University of Manitoba.
  • University of Manitoba Faculty Association Status of Women Committee
  • Canadian Studies Program, Member representing Geography
  • Faculty of the Environment B.A. in Environment Studies Development Committee
  • Department of Geography Library Liaison – Human Geography
  • Department of Geography Examination Review Committee
  • Acted as referee for the following journals:
    • Gender, Place & Culture
    • Prairie Perspectives


  • Canadian Association of Geographers – Rural Study Group Student Paper Awards Judge.
  • Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (P-CAG) Member-at-Large, University of Manitoba.
  • University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship for Research on Aboriginal Issues - Award Committee Member
  • University of Manitoba Faculty Association Status of Women Committee – New Member, May 2002
  • Department of Geography Library Liaison – Human Geography.
  • Department of Geography Examination Review Committee
  • Science Fair Judge, March 2002 – Montrose Elementary School, Winnipeg MB.



Outside The University

CWAG (Canadian Women and Geograph) Newsletter (link opens in new window)