Professional Activities


Reviewing Activities:


Journal of American Statistical Association (5), Annals of Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, Annals of Applied Statistics (2), Biometrics (2), Statistics in Medicine (12), Biometrika (4), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (6),  The Canadian Journal of Statistics (6), Journal of Multivariate Analysis (4), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation (5), Mathematical Population Studies,  Journal of Applied Statistics (7), International Journal of Health Geographics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (7),  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (3), Survey Methodology (6), Statistics and Computing, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2), Mathematical Reviews (5), Electronic Journal of Statistics, BMC Hematology, International Journal of Geo-Information (2), SpringerPlus, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Spatial Statistics (5), Statistica Sinica (3), Journal of Environmental and Ecological Statistics (2), BMC Emergency Medicine, BMC Pediatrics (2), BMC Neurology, Annals of Epidemiology (2), Statistical Papers, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (3), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, BMC Public Health (2), BMC Medical Research Methodology, Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, International Statistical Review, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, Sankhya, Journal of Statistical Software, PLOS ONE, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology (3), Journal of Statistical Methods and Applications, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics


Reviewed two research grants for National Science Foundation (NSF),  nine research grants for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), one research grant for Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, and one research grant for Mitacs Elevate; Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation operating grants (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018); Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) operating grants (2017); Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI); Member of the Public, Community and Population Health Review Committee for the CIHR (2019); Member of the Review Committee for the CIHR COVID-19 Rapid Research Grants (2020).


Reviewed two books proposals for Chapman & Hall/CRC

Recent Invited Presentations:

November 2024: 2024 International Methodology Symposium Statistics Canada, (Ottawa, Canada). Celebrating J.N.K. Rao's Legacy in Small Area Estimation: A Tribute to Innovation and Impact.

October 2024: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, (Ottawa, Canada). A Unified Approach to Goodness-of-fit Tests in Linear Mixed Models.

August 2024: Iranian Statistical Society (online), (Birjand, Iran). Enhancing Small Area Estimation with Covariates: Addressing Measurement Error Through Recent Advances.

August 2024: American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Annual Meetings, (Portland, Oregon, USA). Advancing Infectious Disease Modeling.

June 2014: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada). A New Approach for the Analysis of Influenza Data.

January 2024: Iranain Statistical Society (online), (Tehran, Iran). Small area estimation: an introduction.

November 2023: Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Advancing mathematical modeling in analyzing COVID-19 data in the Canadian province of Manitoba.

October 2023: 5th Seminar on Spatail Statistics and its Applications (online), (Qazvin, Iran), keynote speaker. Spatial survival analysis: an application to lung cancer data.

July 2023: The ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC), (Ottawa, Canada). Spatial modeling of infectious diseases with covariates measurement error.

Oct 2022: IASS Webinar 22: Hukum Chandra prize 2022 (online), (Amesterdam, The Netherlands). Small area estimation: a novel approach on estimation of mean squared prediction error of small-area predictors.

Sept 2022: Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, (Tehran, Iran). Sampling strategies for proportion and rate estimaiton in a spatially correlated populaiton.

May 2022: SAE 2022: Small Area Estimation, Surveys and Data Science, (University of Maryland, College Park, USA). Sampling strategies for proportion and rate estimaiton in a spatially correlated populaiton.

January 2022: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa (online), (Ottawa, Canada). Analyzing COVID-19 data in the Canadian province of Manitoba: A new approach.

December 2021:  14th International Conference of the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) on Computational and Methodological Statistics (online), (London, UK). A robust goodness-of-fit test for small area estimation.

December 2021: Iranain Statistical Society (online), (Tehran, Iran). Infectious disease modeling: a new approach with an application to COVID-19 data.

November 2021: Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Showcase (online), (Vancouver, Canada). A review on some recent advances in infectious disease modeling.

October 2021: 4th Seminar on Spatail Statistics and its Applications (online), (Tehran, Iran), keynote speaker. Recent advances in spatial modeling of infectious diseases.

Sept 2021: SAE 2021: Conference on Big Data for Small Area Estimation (online), (Naples, Italy). A robust goodness-of-fit test for small area estimation.

August 2021: American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Annual Meetings (online), (Seattle, Washington, USA). Analyzing COVID-19 data in the Canadian province of Manitoba: A new approach.

Sept 2020: The 15th Iranian Statistics Conference (online). Advancing complex models for complex data.

Sept 2020: Iranian Statistics Society’s (ISS) webinars. Small area estimation: a novel approach on estimation of mean squared prediction error of small-area predictors.

Feb 2020: Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). A unified approach to goodness-of-fit tests in linear mixed models.

December 2019: 12th International Conference of the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) on Computational and Methodological Statistics, London, UK. Modeling longitudinal data with measurement error in covariates.

August 2019: Conference on Current Trends in Survey Statistics 2019, A Satelite Conference to the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (National University of Singapore, Singapore). Sumca: Simple, Unified, Monte-Carlo Assisted Approach to Second-order Unbiased MSPE Estimation.

May 2019: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (Calgary, AB, Canada). Measurement error in spatial models with fat tails and skewed errors.

March 2019: Bold Ideas Colloquium Series, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Advancing knowledge about spatial modeling, infectious diseases, environment and health.

January 2019: Departmental seminar, University of Winnipeg (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Spatial modeling of disease mapping: an introduction.

August 2018: 14th Iranian Statistics Conference (Shahrood, Iran). Recent advances in generalized linear mixed models.

June 2018: The 2018 International Workshop on Survey Statistics and Big Data (Nanchang, China). Mean squared prediction error estimation of small area predictors.

June 2018: International Conference on Small Area Estimation and Other Topics of  Current Interest in Surveys,  Official  Statistics, and General Statistics (Shanghai, China). A unified approach to goodness-of-fit tests with application to small area estimation.

June 2018: Workshop on Statistical Inference for Complex Surveys (Montreal, QC, Canada). A unified approach to second-order unbiased mean squared error estimation of small area predictors.

May 2018: 8th International Workshop on Innovative Statistical Methods (Daejeon, South Korea). Measures of uncertainty in small area estimation.

July 2017: American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Annual Meetings (Baltimore, MD, USA). Spatio-temporal models with excess zeros.

July 2017: 61st World Statistics Congress Satellite Meeting on Small Area estimation (Paris, France). Zero-inflated spatio-temporal models for small areas.

June 2017: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Small area estimation with covariates measurement error.

May 2017: Contemporary Theory and Practice of Survey Sampling (Kunming, China). Small area estimation with multiple covariates measured with errors: a nested error linear regression approach of combining multiple surveys.

August 2016: 13th Iranian Statistics Conference (Kerman, Iran), Recent developments in generalized linear mixed models.

August 2016: Presented a one-day workshop entitled “Small Area Estimation”, (Yazd, Iran).

June 2016: International Workshop on Applied Probability (Toronto, ON, Canada). Hierarchical multivariate mixture models for the analysis of spatial data: an application to disease mapping.

May 2016: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (St. Catharines, ON, Canada). Prediction in  small-area spatially correlated data.

March 2016: Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Western University (London, ON, Canada). Hierarchical multivariate mixture models for the analysis of spatial data.

Oct 2015: Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Spatial generalized linear mixed models in small area estimation.

Sept 2015: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary (Calgary, AB, Canada). Multivariate mixture spatial models.

Aug 2015: Joint Statistical Meetings (Seattle, Washington, USA). Spatial generalized linear mixed models in small area estimation.

June 2015: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). Multivariate mixture spatial generalized linear mixed models.

April 2015: Workshop on Big Data: large complex spatial/temporal datasets, Fields Institute (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Discussant on: Auxiliary variable MCMC for efficient inference with large spatially referenced datasets by B. M. Taylor.

March 2015: (with H Singh, and R Ahmed), Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). Geographical variation and corresponding risk factors of colorectal cancer in Manitoba.

Feb 2015: Department of Biostatistics, University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida, USA). Spatial generalized linear mixed models with multivariate CAR models for areal data.

Feb 2015: Department of Statistics, Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA). Spatial generalized linear mixed models in small area estimation.

Oct 2014: Canadian Research Data Centre Network 2014 National Conference (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Bowel disorders and its spatial trend in Manitoba, Canada.

July 2014: IISA Conference (Riverside, CA, USA). Prediction in mixed models: an application to small area estimation.  

July 2014: Conference in honouring Professor N. Prasad (Banff, Alberta, Canada). Recent advances in small area estimation.

May 2014: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Spatial generalized linear mixed models with multivariate CAR models for areal data.

May 2014: Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big Data: A Conference honouring Professor M. Ghosh (College Park, MD, USA). Spatial generalized linear mixed models in small area estimation.  

Aug 2013: First Asian International Statistical Institute, Satellite Meeting on Small Area Estimation (Bangkok, Thailand). Spatio-temporal zero-inflated modeling for small area rare events.

Aug 2013: Joint Statistical Meetings (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). Non-parametric small area estimation.

July 2013: The Second Taihu International Statistics Forum (Suzhou, China). Recent advances in small area estimation.

June 2013: Workshop in Statistical Research and Training Data Centre (Tehran, Iran). Small Area Estimation: Theory and Applications.

March 2013: University of British Columbia (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Likelihood inference in spatial generalized linear mixed models with multivari- ate CAR models for areal data.

March 2013: Manitoba Institute of Child Health (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Disease mapping in the province of Manitoba.

Feb 2013: University of Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Biostatistical modeling and its applications.

July 2012:  First Conference of the International Society for NonParametric Statistics (ISNPS), (Chalkidiki, Greece). Likelihood inference in spatio-temporal modeling of small area rare events.

May 2012: Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meetings (Guelph, Ontario, Canada). Likelihood inference in spatio-temporal modeling.

May 2012: Symposium on the Analysis of Survey Data and Small Area Estimation in honour of the 75th Birthday of Professor J.N.K. Rao, Fields Institute, Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). Spatio-temporal modeling of small area rare events.