and Researching Higher-Order Thinking in a Virtual Environment
Joseph J. Pear
of Manitoba
innovation in studying the teaching and learning process has been
developed at the University of Manitoba. Computer-Aided Personalized
System of Instruction (CAPSI) targets questions or problems within
small units of study material to initiate composed rather than
option-based responses. This system integrates peer review with
evaluation by instructor and teaching assistants. Current research
focuses on increasing thinking levels by students in courses using
Keller ( )
personalized system of instruction (PSI) is a method of self-paced
learning in which students proceed through course material at
their own pace by writing unit assignments on study questions
or problems given to the students beforehand. Other students
act as reviewers or tutors by giving feedback on the unit assignments.
PSI is a mastery system since students demonstrate mastery on
a given unit before they can proceed to the next unit. Research
has shown that mastery learning in general and the Keller system
in particular produce superior learning (
( )
taxonomy in the cognitive domain is a system for categorizing
the thinking levels required by specific questions, problems,
or exercises. Bloom identified six major categories of thinking:
(1) knowledge, (2) comprehension, (3) application, (4) analysis,
(5) synthesis, and (6) evaluation. These categories are roughly
hierarchical. For example, to be able to creatively put together
several basic concepts to create a new idea (level 5), one must
have a good understanding or comprehension (level 2) of those
basic concepts. Although Bloom’s taxonomy is not the only
possible way to classify thinking levels, it is widely known and
used in education, and therefore provides a good starting point
for teaching higher-order thinking and studying its development.
paper describes a method for teaching and studying the teaching
and learning process, called computer-aided personalized system
of instruction ( ),
that combines Keller's PSI and Bloom's taxonomy. Combining the
Keller system with Bloom’s taxonomy presented some problems
that required a technological solution. First, the Keller system
requires a great deal of routine administrative work to maintain.
Second, adding the thinking-level dimension increases the administrative
work required. By automating repetitive tasks, computer technology
increases the efficiency of the process. Perhaps even more importantly,
computer technology makes it possible to study the process in
a comprehensive systematic manner.
originally developed by Keller, PSI uses students in a more advanced
course as reviewers of assignments by students in less advanced
courses. This made sense administratively, because the more advanced
course provided a source of individuals who had presumably mastered
the material in the less advanced course. With computer technology,
however, a more advanced course is unnecessary. Each student's
position in the course is available instantaneously. This enables
the CAPSI program to use students in the same course as peer reviewers.
An added benefit of using computer technology is that students
do not have to be at one specific location at one specific time.
CAPSI-taught courses at the University of Manitoba are conducted
through the Internet. An
important feature of CAPSI is its quality control potential. In
courses at the University of Manitoba, the program requires that
a unit assignment be marked by the instructor or teaching assistant
or by two peer reviewers. If two peer reviewers mark it, both
must independently agree that the assignment is a pass in order
for the program to record it as a pass. In addition, all assignments
are automatically recorded to disc for the instructor to sample
and evaluate. There is also a built-in appeal process for arguing
the validity of a given answer. The
program is applicable to any course topic and any set of questions
or problems. The instructor inputs questions or problems and certain
parameters, such as the number of units in the course, the course
credit for each unit assignment, the course credit for peer reviewing,
and whether there are to be examinations or projects in the course
and their respective course credits. The program then automates
all the administrative functions of the course.
Thus, the study material (e.g., text, videos, lectures) along
with the questions, exercises, or problems selected or generated
by the instructor form the basis or core of the system. The type
of learning that students can acquire from the course will be
highly dependent on this core. If the instructor writes questions
that require only rote learning (level 1, or knowledge, in Bloom's
taxonomy), for example, students will be unlikely to advance above
the rote level. For this reason CAPSI is designed for constructed
or composed solutions or answers rather than option-based (e.g.,
true-false, multiple choice) responses. However, a method for
ensuring that students would learn and interact with the material
at the highest possible level of thinking was still needed. Hence,
a modified form of Bloom's taxonomy was integrated into the system.
were several reasons for modifying the taxonomy. One is that there
are reliability problems with the taxonomy (e.g,  ).
Another is the complexity of the taxonomy, which makes it difficult
to apply. Of course, one would expect a classification of thinking
levels to be complex. However, it seemed better to simplify the
taxonomy and make it more reliable for the purpose of integrating
it with CAPSI. It is anticipated that refinement and elaboration
of this modified taxonomy will result from research on its use
within the CAPSI program.
taxonomy as currently used with CAPSI is as follows:
knowledge: the answer is word-for-word or closely paraphrased
from the study material.
the answer is in the students own words.
a concept is applied to a new problem or situation. Examples
would be illustrating a concept with a new example (e.g.,
one not in the study material) and applying an equation to
a new problem.
breaking down a concept into its parts. This occurs when,
for example, one compares and contrasts two or more concepts.
integrating two or more concepts to form something new. An
example would be combining several styles of painting to produce
a new style.
providing reasoned argument for or against a given position.
An example would be an argument considering the pros and cons
of cloning research from an ethical perspective or from a
scientific perspective.
were constructed constructed that permitted the thinking levels
of both questions and answers to be assessed with good reliability
( ;
This has set the stage for research on ways to raise the level of
thinking at which students respond to questions in CAPSI-taught
first foray into investigating increasing thinking levels in student
answers consisted in providing students with the modified taxonomy,
the thinking level required by each question, and a system of
bonus points for each question answered above the level outlined
( ).
For example, if a question asked for an example of a concept without
specifying that the example had to be original (i.e., not in the
study material), this question would be considered to be at level
2. Thus, if a student gave an original example this would be answering
at level 3, and therefore would be answering above the level of
the question. This procedure successfully increased the levels
at which students answered the questions. This shows that students
are able to increase their demonstrated thinking levels.
CAPSI as an instrument for probing students’ thinking levels
in a course, we are in a position to study variables thought to
be important in helping students advance their thinking levels.
For example, we might use CAPSI to examine whether some study
materials and media are more effective at promoting higher-order
thinking than others are. Research issues that can be examine
include: Are textbooks that are written in a manner that initiates
thinking or leads the reader through the discovery process more
effective in facilitating higher-order thinking than those that
present a comprehensive coverage of factual material? Are lectures
or discussion groups, or some mixture of the two, more effective
at promoting higher-order thinking? Are live presentations more
effective than videos? Are face-to-face discussions more effective
than on-line discussions? These are questions that need to be
answered as we advance into the technological age of education.
Another important research area concerns the questions, exercises,
and problems in a course. Research questions that might be studied
here area include: What is the most effective proportion of each
category of thinking level? For example, a large proportion of
evaluation questions (level 6) might be detrimental because, given
the hierarchical nature of the taxonomy, students may not be adequately
prepared to successfully address questions at the highest level.
What is the most effective way of sequencing the question levels
for a given unit in the study guide? For example, would higher-level
thinking be more effectively promoted by having students answer
all rote questions (level 1) first, then all comprehension questions
(level 2) next, etc., or would interspersing the levels be more
effective? The information obtained by research on these issues
would likely be applicable to courses taught with various other
methods, not just those taught using CAPSI.
social milieu in of a CAPSI-taught course also provides a rich
source of variables that may have an impact on higher-order thinking.
In that milieu are the students, acting both as learners and as
peer reviewers, and the instructor and (if there is one) teaching
assistant who oversee the system and perform evaluative and feedback
functions. Research shows that, overall, students perform their
peer-reviewing duties effectively ( )
and that there is a large amount of compliance with feedback that
students as learners receive from other students as peer reviewers,
and from the instructor ( ).
There is, however, considerable room for improvement, and research
is in progress on this.
of archived data shows that students in a CAPSI-taught course
receive much more substantive feedback on their work than would
be possible in a course taught by traditional methods. This interactive
nature of CAPSI fits a social constructivist model of knowledge
generation through interaction with others ( ).
Much of the knowledge generation occurs on the part of the peer
reviewers, who find (often to their surprise) that reading other
students answers or solutions and commenting on them initiates
their own learning and higher-order thinking. Another important
area of study, therefore, is on the effects of the peer-review
component of CAPSI in the development of higher-order thinking.
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Paper to be presented at the 13th International Conference
on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville, Florida. April 9-13,