Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction

Papers About CAPSI

Teaching and Researching Higher-Order Thinking in a Virtual Environment

Abstract: An innovation in studying the teaching and learning process has been developed at the University of Manitoba. Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction (CAPSI) targets questions or problems within small units of study material to initiate composed rather than option-based responses. This system integrates peer review with evaluation by instructor and teaching assistants. Current research focuses on increasing thinking levels by students in courses using CAPSI.

Teaching Large Classes in a Virtual Environment While Still Actively Engaging Students in the Learning Process

Abstract: An online, automated method that approximates private tutors through the use of peer reviewers enables large classes to be taught in a virtual environment while still actively engaging students in the learning process. The method is highly flexible and easy to implement for practically any course.

An Evolutionary Theory of Education

Abstract: The capacity to learn is a product of evolution, in that it promotes survival and the perpetuation of an individual’s genetic material. An individual that can learn can be taught. Hence, a next step in evolution was teaching of the young by caretakers (usually the parents). Training of the young is carried out in many species but has evolved to its highest degree in humans. Humans also possess language, which has enabled them to develop complex cultures. These cultures perpetuate themselves and compete for resources and for members. This competition leads to the evolution of cultures similar to the manner in which species evolve. Education is analogous to the reproductive system; it is the mechanism by which cultures perpetuate themselves. Eventually in cultural evolution, education became institutionalized in some human cultures because of the evolutionary advantages it provided to those cultures. Educational techniques, however, have changed very little since ancient times despite research showing that some educational techniques are superior to others. Despite this resistance to change, certain applications of computer-based technology may provide the next step in the cultural evolutionary process.


Higher Order Thinking Skills


Higher Order Thinking Skills


Higher Order Thinking Skills