Large Classes in a Virtual Environment While Still Actively
Engaging Students in the Learning Process
J. Pear
of Manitoba
online, automated method that approximates private tutors
through the use of peer reviewers enables large classes to
be taught in a virtual environment while still actively engaging
students in the learning process. The method is highly flexible
and easy to implement for practically any course.
the ideal educational system, each student would have a private
tutor who initiates student inquiry, probes the student’s
knowledge, provides constructive feedback, and thus actively
engages the student in the learning process. Clearly, except
for the very rich, this type of academic education has never
been practical. In 1968, however, the psychologist Fred S.
Keller described a close approximation to having private tutors
for students in a large class. In this method, which is called
personalized system of instruction (PSI), students proceed
through course material at their own pace by writing unit
assignments on study questions or problems designed to initiate
student inquiry (
Other students, who generally are in a more advanced course,
act as reviewers or tutors by evaluating and giving feedback
on the unit assignments. PSI is a mastery system since students
demonstrate mastery on a given unit before they can proceed
to the next unit.
automating repetitive tasks, computer technology increases
the efficiency of PSI. In addition, with computer technology,
obtaining reviewers from a more advanced course is unnecessary
because each student's current level of mastery is available
instantaneously to the computer. An added benefit of computer
technology is that students do not all have to be at one specific
location at one specific time – they can do their assignments
and their peer reviewing in a virtual environment.
method called computer-aided personalized system of instruction
(CAPSI) used at the University of Manitoba incorporates the
above ideas to actively engage students in the learning process
in a virtual environment (
To ensure high-quality student involvement, CAPSI has built-in
quality control procedures. The program requires that a student’s
unit assignment be evaluated by the instructor or teaching
assistant or by two more advanced peer reviewers. If two peer
reviewers evaluate it, the program will not record a pass
unless both independently agree that the student has demonstrated
mastery. In addition, all assignments are automatically recorded
for the instructor to sample and evaluate. There is also a
built-in appeal process for arguing the validity of a given
answer or solution.
of the Program
program is applicable to any course topic and any set of questions
or problems. The instructor selects the study material and
inputs questions or problems and certain parameters; e.g.,
number of units in the course, the course credit for each
unit assignment, the course credit for peer reviewing, and
whether there are to be examinations or projects in the course
and their respective course credits. The program then automates
all the administrative functions of the course.
the study material and the questions, exercises, and problems
form the core of the system. The type of learning that students
can acquire from the course depends on this core. For this
reason CAPSI is designed for constructed or composed solutions
or answers rather than option-based (e.g., true-false, multiple
choice) responses. In addition, procedures for initiating
higher-order thinking have been integrated into the system
to help ensure that students actively engage the course material
to the fullest extent (
Simister, in press).
D. E. (2001). Increasing the levels at which undergraduate
students answer questions in computer-aided personalized
system of instruction courses. PhD thesis submitted to the
University of Manitoba.
D. E., Pear, J. J., & Read, C. N. (2000). Operational
definitions of higher-order thinking objectives at the post-secondary
level. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 4, 99-106.
F. S. (1968). "Good-bye Teacher...". Journal of Applied
Behaviour Analysis, 5, 79-89.
J. J., & Crone-Todd, D. E. (1999). Personalized system
of instruction is cyberspace. Journal of Applied Behavior
Analysis, 32, 205-209.
J. J., Crone-Todd, D. E., Wirth, K., & Simister, H.
(in press). Assessment of thinking level in students' answers.
Academic Exchange Quarterly.
J. J., & Novak, M. (1996). Computer-aided personalized
system of instruction: A program evaluation. Teaching
of Psychology, 23, 119-123.