CAPSI Developers Publications
Crone-Todd, D.E., Eyre, H. L., Hutchens, S. A., Jones, J. R., & Pear, J. J. (2007).
The effect of changing grading criteria on student writing.
The Behavior Analyst Today, 8,
Crone-Todd, D.E., & Pear, J.J. (2001). Application of
Bloom's Taxonomy to PSI. Behavior
Analyst Today, 3,
Crone-Todd, D. E., Pear, J. J., & Read, C. N. (2000).
Operational definitions for higher-order thinking objectives at the
post-secondary level. Academic
Exchange Quarterly, 4(3),
Kinsner, W., & Pear, J. J. (1988). Computer-aided
personalized system of instruction for the virtual classroom.
Canadian Journal of Educational
Communication, 17,
Kinsner, W., & Pear, J. J. (1990). Dynamic educational
system for the virtual campus. In: U.E. Gattiker (Ed.), Studies in
technological innovation and human resources. Vol. 2: End-user
training (pp. 201-228).
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Martin, T. L., Pear, J. J., & Martin, G. L. (2002).
Feedback and its effectiveness in a computer-aided personalized
system of instruction course. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 35,
Martin, T.L., Pear, J.J., & Martin, G.L. (2002). Analysis
of proctor marking accuracy in a computer-aided personalized system
of instruction course. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 35,
Pear, J. J. (2002). Teaching and researching higher-order
thinking in a virtual environment. In J. A. Chambers (Ed.),
Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on College
Teaching and Learning (pp. 143-150).Jacksonville, FL: Florida
Community College at Jacksonville.
Pear, J. J. (2003). Enhanced feedback using computer-aided
personalized system of instruction. In W. Buskist, V. Hevern, B.
K.Saville, & T. Zinn (Eds.). Essays from excellence in
teaching (vol. 3, ch. 11). Washington, DC: APA Division 2,
Society for the Teaching of Psychology. (see
the article)
Pear, J. J., & Crone-Todd, D. E. (1999). Personalized
system of instruction in cyberspace. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 32,
Pear, J.J., & Crone-Todd, D. E. (2002). A social
constructivist approach to computer-mediated instruction.
Computers & Education, 38,
Pear, J.J., Crone-Todd, D.E., Wirth, K., & Simister, H.
(2001). Assessment of thinking levels in students' answers.
Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5(4),
Pear, J. J., & Kinsner, W. (1988). Computer-aided
personalized system of instruction: An effective and economical
method for short- and long- distance education. Machine-Mediated
Learning, 2,
Pear, J. J., & Martin, T. L. (2004). Making the most of
PSI with computer technology. In D. J. Moran & R. W. Malott,
Evidence-based educational methods (pp. 223-243). San Diego,
California: Elsevier & Academic Press.
Pear, J. J., & Novak, M. (1996). Computer-aided
personalized system of instruction: A program evaluation.
Teaching of Psychology, 23,
Springer, C. R., & Pear, J.J. (2008). Performance measures in courses using computer-aided personalized system of instruction.
Computers & Education, 51,
