Research Projects
For more information on some of our on-going projects, please check out our recent publications:
(1) Designing extended N-heterocyclic ligands for new emissive materials
See representative publications #31, 38, 42, 53, 56, 75, 76, 86, 87, 88 or 94.... or just read our review article (#77)
(2) Panchromatic absorption and excited state tuning in abundant transition metal coordination complexes
See representative publications #43, 59, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73, 81 or 92.
(3) Ligand designs for catalysis and novel chemotherapeutics
See representative publications #48, 49, 51, 58, 69, 82 or 89.
(4) Electrochemical hydrogenation using carbon electrodes:
See representative publications #24, 30, 60 or 95.
(4) Redox-active ligands: flow batteries and novel electronic structures
See representative publications #29, 50 or 54.
For further details, please contact us.
Our synthetic and characterization infrastructure includes standard Schlenk glassware and two MBraun gloveboxes complete with freezers and cold-wells for inert-atmosphere chemistry, potentiostats for electrochemistry and pressure equipment. We also have a CFI-funded Bruker D8 QUEST ECO X-ray diffractometer and Oxford 800 Series Cryostream for single-crystal X-ray crystallography, as well as a state-of-the-art chemical vapour deposition (CVD) set-up for construction of high fidelity silicon microwire arrays, infrastructure for microwire functionalization and a probe station for electrical characterization. In addition, as members of the Manitoba Institute for Materials (MIM), we have access to a whole host of fantastic imaging, characterization and fabrication equipment. For information about external users and collaborations, please get in touch!
With special thanks to the following organizations for funding...