3.7 Identify Bands in Experimental Lanes

After the image is normalized, you may invoke the process which detects bands in the experimental lanes. From another menu, you may choose to detect automatically, semi-automatically, or manually. Each band detected is marked with a small bar across the lane in which the band was detected; on color displays, this bar is green. The user may edit the results of the band detection to add or delete band bars as necessary. Deleting band bars may be necessary where the peak-detection algorithm erroneously identifies an artifact on the image as a band. Interactive band bar addition may be required to identify low-intensity bands. Where two bands are very closely spaced, the program may flag just one band as it may not be able to separate adjacent intensity peaks. Editing is similar to that described earlier in Section 3.5.

Figure 3.12: Experimental Bands Process Menu.

Figure 3.13: Image k102 after detection of experimental bands (green). Note that the program has missed some bands in areas of severe darkness. The program has also missed several faint bands; many of these could have been detected by adjusting the band-detection threshold. Missed bands are easily added with manual editing.

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