Uses of Class

Packages that use Cutoff

Uses of Cutoff in AFLPcore

Methods in AFLPcore that return Cutoff
 Cutoff Lane.cutoffUnder(double size)
          Gives the first cutoff in the lane that is less than or equal to the specified size.

Methods in AFLPcore with parameters of type Cutoff
abstract  java.lang.String ScoreFunction.score(Cutoff cutoff, DataList peaks)
          Gives a label for a lane with the specified cutoff and the specified peaks.
 void Lane.addCutoff(Cutoff ct)
          Adds the specified cutoff to the list of known cutoffs for this lane.
 java.lang.String SegregatingScore.score(Cutoff cutoff, DataList peaks)
          Scores a lane by seeing if any of the peaks cross the highest cutoff, and then labeling it appropriately.

Uses of Cutoff in AFLPgui

Methods in AFLPgui with parameters of type Cutoff
 void CutoffSlider.setCutoff(Cutoff cutoff)
          Sets the cutoff that this slider is based on.
 void CutoffDialog.init(Cutoff ct, DataList lanes, double startPos)
          Initializes the CutoffDialog with important information.