Uses of Class

Packages that use CutoffFunction

Uses of CutoffFunction in AFLPcore

Subclasses of CutoffFunction in AFLPcore
 class LinearCutoff
          This cutoff function represents a horizontal line.

Methods in AFLPcore that return CutoffFunction
 CutoffFunction Cutoff.getCutoffFunction(int level)
          Gives the cutoff function for the specified level.

Methods in AFLPcore with parameters of type CutoffFunction
 void Cutoff.setCutoffFunction(CutoffFunction func, int level)
          Sets the cutoff function for the specified level.
 void Cutoff.addFunction(CutoffFunction newFunction)
          Adds the specified function to this cutoff.

Uses of CutoffFunction in AFLPgui

Methods in AFLPgui with parameters of type CutoffFunction
 void CutoffSlider.addCutoffFunction(CutoffFunction ct)
          Adds the specified CutoffFucntion to all of the lanes known to this class.