Uses of Class

Packages that use Lane

Uses of Lane in AFLPcore

Methods in AFLPcore that return Lane
 Lane Gel.laneAt(int index)
          Gives the lane at the specified index.
abstract  Lane[] ImportFilter.readLane( inputFile)
          This is the method that is called to preform the actual reading of the file.
 Lane[] SCFFilter.readLane( inputFile)
          This is the method that is called to preform the actual reading of the file.
 Lane[] CEQLaneFilter.readLane( inputFile)
          Read the data from the file and use it to create a Lane.
 Lane[] ABILaneFilter.readLane( inputFile)
          This is the method that is called to preform the actual reading of the file.
 Lane[] ABI3x00Filter.readLane( inputFile)
          This is the method that is called to preform the actual reading of the file.

Methods in AFLPcore with parameters of type Lane
 void Gel.addLane(Lane ln)
          Adds a lane to this gel.
 void Gel.removeLane(Lane ln)
 void Gel.toggleSelectedLane(Lane ln)
          Changes the selection state of the specified lane.
protected  void Gel.writeLane(int[] pix, int length, Lane lane, int horzIndex, int width, double scaleFactor, double maxSize)
          Writes the specified lane data into the specified pixel array at the given location.
 java.lang.String Bin.getScore(Lane ln)
          Gives the string representing how the given lane was scored.
 void Bin.setScore(Lane ln, java.lang.String value)
          Changes the scoring for the specified lane.

Uses of Lane in AFLPgui

Methods in AFLPgui with parameters of type Lane
 void TraceView.init(Lane ln, DataList lanes)
          Sets the trace to the specified lane and sets the scales.
 void Thumbnail.drawTrace(java.awt.Graphics g, Lane lane, int x, int y)
          Draws the trace portion of the thumbnail.