What are MEMS?
MEMS, or micro-electro-mechanical systems, are miniature devices that are fabricated using many technologies that are common with computer chip fabrication.
MEMS are already being used in many existing commercial products. Application areas include medicine, chemical and biological analysis, telecommunication, transportation, environment, food processing, consumer electronics, and even clothing.
An example is this chip, which was designed by our research group. It contains 11 tiny electric field sensors.
Cyrus Shafai, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Associate Dean (Research/Graduate Programs)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Education: B.Sc. (EE, Manitoba), M.Sc. (Manitoba), Ph.D. (Alberta)
Office: E1 - 534 Engineering and Information Technology Complex (EITC)
Phone: (204) 474 - 6302
E-Mail: Cyrus.Shafai @ umanitoba.ca
My Research: Our laboratory is a highly interdisciplinary and dynamic environment, and we interact with many groups from across campus. My research includes: MEMS technologies and actuators, process simulation, micro-sensors, electric and magnetic field sensors, smart agriculture sensors, RF MEMS and engineered surfaces, MEMS optics and adaptive optics, microfluidic cooling, genetic algorithms for MEMS design, and biomedical micro-devices.
Laboratory Facilities:
Our Nano-Systems Fabrication Laboratory possesses a comprehensive suite of state of the art equipment and software for MEMS fabrication, analysis, and testing.
Selected Publications:
Highlights of my publications can be found here.
Research Group and Opportunities:
Occasionally I have positions available for outstanding and motivated graduate or undergraduate students who are interested in MEMS and microfabrication, or who are interested in working in our cleanroom.
Current and past group members are listed here.
ENG 1450 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 4100 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication
ECE 7440 Microelectronic Fabrication and High Vacuum Technology
ECE 7190 Micromachining and MEMS
Some Pictures:
Picture of me next to a California Redwood tree.
Winnipeg’s great summers and beaches are a little known secret.
Animals aren’t so different.
Japanese_Macaque.jpg (National Geographic, Dec. '94)
A humbling picture of the Earth.