S. Thorwirth, M.A. Martin-Drumel, C.P. Endres, T. Salomon, O. Zingsheim, J. van Wijngaarden, O. Pirali, S. Gruet, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, M.C. McCarthy, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 319, 47-49 (2016).
H. S. P. Mueller, A. Belloche, L. H. Xu, R. Lees, R. Garrod, A. Walters, J. van Wijngaarden, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, K. Menten, Astronomy and Astrophysics, i587, A92 (2016).
L. Andrade, J. Silla, S. Stephens, K. Marat, E. da Cunha, T. Ramalho, J. van Wijngaarden and M. Freitas, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 10735-10742 (2015).
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Metis Nation.
S. Thorwirth, M.A. Martin-Drumel, C.P. Endres, T. Salomon, O. Zingsheim, J. van Wijngaarden, O. Pirali, S. Gruet, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, M.C. McCarthy, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 319, 47-49 (2016).
H. S. P. Mueller, A. Belloche, L. H. Xu, R. Lees, R. Garrod, A. Walters, J. van Wijngaarden, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, K. Menten, Astronomy and Astrophysics, i587, A92 (2016).
L. Andrade, J. Silla, S. Stephens, K. Marat, E. da Cunha, T. Ramalho, J. van Wijngaarden and M. Freitas, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 10735-10742 (2015).