Lab news


1. Carl Ho received the "2021 STAR Associate Editor Award" of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE) – Oct. 2022


1. Don Kasun Joseph Shan Jayamaha (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2021-2023)” – May. 2021.

2. Troy Eskilson (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2021-2022)” – May. 2021.

3. Carl Ho received the "2020 Excellent Associate Editor Award" of the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) – Aug. 2021

4. King Man Siu (PostDoc Fellow) received the "2020 STAR Reviewer Award" of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE)– Oct. 2020.


1. Radwa Abdalaal (PhD Student) was awarded the “The IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Outstanding New Chapter Award” – Oct. 2020.

2. Carl Ho received the "2019 STAR Associate Editor Award" of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE) – Oct. 2020


1. Winnie the Power (RIGA Lab project team) was awarded the “Best Student Team Regional Award” of the IEEE Empower a Billion Lives 2019 competition in the Americas region – Feb. 2019.

2. King Man Siu (PhD Student) was awarded the “Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship (2019)” – Mar. 2019.

3. Radwa Abdalaal (PhD Student) was awarded the “Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship (2019)” – Mar. 2019.

4. Avi Ghosh (MSc Student) was awarded the “Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship (2019)” – Mar. 2019.

5. Stella Zhang (MSc Student) was awarded the “Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Completion Scholarship (2019)” – Mar. 2019.

6. Avi Ghosh (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2019-2022)” – May. 2019.

7. King Man Siu (PhD Student) received the “IEEE SEGE Student Innovation Award (Power Electronics)” – Aug. 2019.

8. King Man Siu (PhD Student) received the “IEEE SEGE Best Paper Award - S8” – Aug. 2019.

9. Stella Zhang (MSc Student) received the “IEEE ECCE Student Travel Grants” – Sept. 2019.

10. Carl Ho received “Canada Research Chair Award” - Oct. 2019.

11. Carl Ho received the “IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Second Place Winner for 2018 Prize Paper Awards” - Oct. 2019.


1. Carl Ho received the "Best Associate Editor Recognition Award" of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE) – Sept. 2018

2. Isuru Jayawardana (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2018-2020)” – May 2018.

3. Dong Li (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2018-2019)” – May 2018.

4. King Man Siu (PhD Student) was awarded the “University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (2018-2019)” – May 2018.

5. Dong Li (PhD Student) received the “IEEE ECCE Student Project Demonstration Travel Grants” – Sept. 2018.

6. Radwa Abdalaal (PhD Student) received the “IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Travel Grant” – Sept. 2018.

7. Zhuang (Stella) Zhang (MSc Student) received the “IEEE ECCE2018 Women in Energy Conversion Travel Grant” – Sept. 2018.

8. Ken Siu (PhD Student) received the “IEEE PEAC Student Travel Grant” – Nov. 2018.


1. King Man Siu (PhD Student) was awarded the “3rd Prize in the IEEE ECCE Student Project Demonstration on Emerging Technology Award” – Oct. 2017.

2. King Man Siu (PhD Student) received the “IEEE ECCE Student Project Demonstration Travel Grants” – Oct. 2017.

3. Dong Li (PhD Student) received the “IEEE ECCE Student Project Demonstration Travel Grants” – Oct. 2017.

4. Yang Zhou (MSc Student) received the “IEEE APEC Student Travel Grants” – Mar. 2017.


1. Carl Ho received “Canada Research Chair Award” - Oct. 2014.