Renewable-energy Interface and Grid Automation (RIGA) Lab is a research lab at the University of Manitoba which was established by Dr. Carl Ho. The establishment of the lab was funded by the CFI in Oct. 2014. And it has been completed in April 2016 and renovated in February 2019. Currently it is located at the room E1-468B. The lab is mainly to develop power electronics technologies for renewable energy, smart grid and electric vehicle applications.
Dr. Carl Ho has been appointed as the Associate Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS). The term of service will be from Jan 2022 to Dec 2023 (2-year).
------------ RIGA lab recieved research funding from MITACS and Power Integrations Inc. to develop advanced power electornics controller technologies for the emerging applications. The project is from March 2022 to Feb. 2023.
Congratulate Mandip Pokharel, RIGA Lab's PhD Alumnus, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications,
M. Pokharel, and C. Ho, “Development of Interface Model and Design of Compensator to Overcome Delay Response in a PHIL Setup for Evaluating a Grid-Connected Power Electronic DUT ”, Trans. on Industry Applications.
Dr. Carl Ho was funded a 5-year project through the NSERC Discovery Grants program for developing technologies of dc microgrids in remote areas.
------------Congratulate Jalal Dadkhah, RIGA Lab's PhD student, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
J. Dadkhah, C. Ho, K. Siu and R. Li, “Magnetic Components Reduction in Three-phase PFC Converter by Using Reconfigurable LCL Filter”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron.
Congratulate Dr. Ho on received the award of the IEEE JESTPE Star Associate Editors,
Click here to go to IEEE PELS Award page.
We are pleased to welcome Meisam Mohseni as PhD Student of the RIGA Lab.
RIGA lab recieved research funding ($100k) from Research Manitoba for the Innovation Proof-of-Concept (IPoC) Grants to develop advanced wireless charging technologies for Electric Vehicles. The project is from March 2022 to Feb. 2024. And the project is collaborated with an expert of electromagnetics, Dr. David Swatek, and Manitoba Hydro.
Click here to see the details.
Congratulate Reza Seyed Alavi Eshkaftaki, RIGA Lab's MSc student, on passing his MSc Thesis Oral Defense.
------------Congratulate Yin Fang, RIGA Lab's MSc student, on passing her MSc Thesis Oral Defense.
------------We are pleased to welcome Bita Esmaeili Jamakani and Yin Fang as PhD Students and Prashanth Atputhakumar as MSc Student of the RIGA Lab.
Congratulate Dr. Ho on received the Associate Editor Recognition of 10 Years of Service of the IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics.
Click here to go to IEEE PELS Award page.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the University of Manitoba, he also meet with the RIGA Lab director Carl Ho to learn about his work in power electronics.
We are pleased to welcome Mewan Peiris as MSc Student of the RIGA Lab.
RIGA lab recieved research funding from MITACS and Power Integrations Inc. to develop advanced power electornics controller technologies for the emerging applications. The project is from Jul. 2023 to Jun. 2025.
Congratulate Dr. Ho on received the award of the IEEE JESTPE Star Associate Editors,
Click here to go to IEEE PELS Award page.
RIGA lab recieved research funding as Co-Investigator from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) collabrating with Urban Mobility and Transportation Informatics Group (UMTIG) and Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA) to study zero- and lower-emission heavy vehicles for road freight transport in the Canadian Prairie Region. The project is from Oct. 2023 to Oct. 2025.
Congratulate Dr. Ho on received the award of the IEEE TPEL AE Excellence Award, the following photo was taken by the IEEE PELS at the IEEE ECCE2023.
Click here to go to IEEE PELS Award page.
We are pleased to welcome Dyar Aminyan as PhD Student of the RIGA Lab.
Dr. Carl Ho has been appointed as the Editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE) since Jan 2024.
------------Congratulate Jalal Dadkhah, RIGA Lab's PhD student, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics,
J. Dadkhah, C. Ho, Y. Xu and J. Liu, “Comprehensive study and performance evaluation of an interleaved GaN-based PFC with magnetic component size reduction”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
Congratulate Jalal Dadkhah, RIGA Lab's PhD student, on passing his PhD Thesis Oral Defense.
------------Congratulate Jalal Dadkhah, RIGA Lab's PhD student, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
J. Dadkhah, C. Ho, and K. Siu, “Three-phase Transformerless PV Inverter with Reconfigurable LCL Filter and Reactive Power Capability”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron.
Congratulate Shan Jayamaha, RIGA Lab's PhD student, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
S. Jayamaha, C. Ho, and A. Rajapakse, “Parallel/Series Connected Standardized Active Switching Modules for High Power DCCBs in MVDC Networks”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron.
We are pleased to welcome Xiaoxia Huang as MSc Student of the RIGA Lab.
Congratulate Dr. Frank Xu and Dr. Ken Siu, RIGA Lab's alumni, on publishing a paper in the IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics,
Y. Xu, K. Siu, and C. Ho, “Design and Device Selection in a Residential PV Inverter to Improve Efficiency in Low Power”, IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., 2024.
We are pleased to welcome Dauglas Gray as MSc Student of the RIGA Lab.